Paper F7: Financial reporting (International)
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an unusual transaction and there is no relevant accounting standard, it can refer to
the Framework and apply the principles in it.
It can also be argued that a conceptual framework strengthens the credibility of
financial reporting and the accounting profession in general.
1.4 The alternative to a conceptual framework
The alternative to a system based on a conceptual framework (a ‘principles-based’
system) is a system based on detailed rules.
Accounting standards based on detailed rules are open to abuse. ‘Creative
accounting’ is the name given to techniques which enable management to give a
biased impression (usually favourable) of the company’s performance while still
complying with accounting standards and other regulations. During the 1980s there
were a number of scandals in which investors were misled by the financial
statements of apparently healthy companies which then collapsed. This was one of
the original reasons why the IASB and other standard setters developed their
conceptual frameworks. Principles are normally much harder to evade than rules.
Another disadvantage of a rule-based system is that standard setters are more likely
to be influenced by ‘vested interests’ such as large companies or a particular
business sector. The existence of a conceptual framework is an important safeguard
against this kind of political pressure.
Despite these problems, some preparers and regulators still appear to favour rule-
based standards. Standards based on principles may require management to use
their judgement (and to risk making a mistake), while rules simply need to be
followed. This can be important where management might face legal action if an
investor makes a poor decision based on information provided in the financial
The use of a conceptual framework can lead to standards that are theoretical and
complex. They may give the ‘right answer’ but be very difficult for the ordinary
preparer to understand and apply. However, a system of extremely detailed rules
can also be very difficult to apply.
1.5 The current situation
In theory, international accounting standards and international financial reporting
standards (IASs and IFRSs) are based on the IASB Framework. In practice, the
standards are a mixture of principles and rules.
Many standards (for example, the main accounting standards dealing with non-
current assets) reflect the fundamental principles in the Framework and are
consistent with each other. However, many of the more recent standards (for
example, the standards on financial instruments) have been heavily influenced by
US accounting practice. These standards are complex and tend to contain many
detailed rules and definitions.