Chapter 3: Accounting for the substance of transactions
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Sale and leaseback
There is a section in IAS17: Leases dealing with sale and leaseback agreements. In a
sale and leaseback agreement Entity G sells an asset to Entity H, but then
immediately leases that asset back from Entity H.
Typically, a company may own and use a large building, which it then sells to
another party (say, a property company) and immediately leases back the building,
paying an annual rent and continuing to use the building in the same way as before.
The treatment of the ‘sale’ depends on whether the resultant lease is classified as a
finance lease or an operating lease.
If the lease is a finance lease then the risks and rewards of ownership pass to the
lessee. Since the lessee is the original owner of the asset, the risks and rewards of
ownership have never left it, and therefore, in substance, there has been no sale.
The asset remains in the ‘seller’s’ statement of financial position at its original
value. A lease liability is created for the amount received on the sale.
If the lease is an operating lease then the risks and rewards of ownership do not
pass to the lessee. Therefore the risks and rewards of ownership have passed
from the seller to the lessor, and the sale of the asset has taken place. The profit
or loss on sale is recognised in the income statement. IAS17 sets out rules for
whether this is recognised immediately or over the term of the lease agreement.
3.3 Factoring of accounts receivable
In a factoring agreement, a business entity (the ‘seller’) makes an arrangement with
a ‘factor’. The ‘seller’ transfers its accounts receivable (invoices) to the ‘factor’, and
in return receives an immediate payment of an agreed percentage of the receivables
The factor will agree to make an immediate payment to the entity of (say) up to 80%
of the value of the invoices it has undertaken to collect.
For example, if a company arranges for the factoring of its accounts receivable and
its monthly invoices to customers are $100,000 in total, the factor may agree to pay
the company $80,000 each month as an advance on the money receivable (charging
interest on the advance), with the balance payable, less the factor’s fees, when the
debts are eventually collected.
The key issue in accounting for receivables that are subject to a factoring
arrangement is to decide whether the company should derecognise the receivables
(and remove them from its statement of financial position). This decision should be
based on whether the key risks and rewards of ownership of the receivables have
passed to the factor.
If they have not passed to the factor, the receivables have not been sold and the
payments from the factor that relate to those receivables should be treated as a
If they have passed to the factor, the receivables have been sold and should be
removed from the statement of financial position. Any profit or loss should be
recognised in the income statement.