Chapter 12: Preparing financial statements
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4.4 Events after the reporting period: the accounting rules (IAS 10)
The accounting rules for events after the reporting period are as follows:
Adjusting events Non-adjusting events
Alter the financial statements for the
accounting period that has just ended,
to include the effects of the event.
Do not alter the financial statements for
the accounting period that has just
ended, to include the effects of the
event. However, provide details of the
event in a note to the financial
Examples Examples
The bankruptcy of a customer who
owed money at the end of the reporting
period. A bad debt is now expected.
Account for this as a bad debt in the
income statement and reduce total
receivables in the statement of financial
position as at the end of the reporting
An issue of new share capital after the
end of the reporting period.
A fall in the market value of
investments after the end of the
reporting period.
An insurance company has agreed to
pay an insurance claim that was still
being negotiated at the end of the
reporting period. Account for this as
‘other income’ and include in the
statement of financial position as a
A major new loan obtained after the
end of the reporting period.
An item of inventory held at the end of
the reporting period, is sold after the
reporting period for less than its cost,
due to its poor condition. This provides
evidence that the inventory should be
valued at its net realisable value, not
cost, in the statement of financial
position. The difference between cost
and net realisable value will be treated
as an expense for the year that has just
The acquisition of another business, or
the disposal of a part of the existing
business after the reporting period.
A physical disaster such as a fire or
flooding after the reporting period, that
has material financial consequences for
the business.
The discovery of a fraud after the
reporting period that affects the
accounting figures for the reporting
4.5 Proposed dividends
A company might propose a final dividend to its shareholders, or declare a
dividend, after the reporting period but before the financial statements are
authorised for issue.