Chapter 12: Preparing financial statements
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The shares included under the heading ‘equity’ must be classes of shares that are
recognised as equity. This is a fairly complex area of accounting, because
preference shares must often be treated as long-term debt and not as equity
IAS 1 states that a description should be given of the nature and purpose of
reserves. This means that different types of reserves should be shown, with a
description that gives an indication of its purpose: for example, there might be a
share premium account, a revaluation reserve account, and so on.
Proposed dividends are not included in the statement of financial position as a
current liability, except in the very unusual circumstance where the final
dividend has been proposed before the end of the financial year. Any proposed
final dividend should normally be disclosed in a note to the financial statements
as a non-adjusting event after the reporting period.
The number of different reserves that a company might include in its statement of
financial position is not specified by IAS 1. Particular reserves might be a
requirement for companies under the terms of national company law. However:
A share premium reserve must be used to record premiums on new share issues,
although the reserve can be reduced if the company makes a bonus issue.
A revaluation reserve is necessary whenever a company uses the revaluation
model for any category of its non-current assets.
A retained earnings reserve must be included, because this is a reserve for
realised profits still retained within the business.
Other reserves do not represent realised profits. The share premium reserve
represents capital invested in the company. The revaluation reserve represents
unrealised profits on assets still held by the company. Retained earnings represent
realised profits reported through profit and loss (the income statement) or by
transfer from the revaluation reserve when a re-valued asset is disposed of. Realised
profits can be distributed to shareholders in the form of dividends.
Each reserve is a component of equity and movements in reserves are reported in
the statement of changes in equity, which is described in an earlier chapter.
2.3 Statement of comprehensive income
IAS 1 requires an entity to present all items of income and expense during a period
in either:
a single statement of comprehensive income, or
in two statements, an income statement followed by a statement of
comprehensive income: these two separate statements should include all the
information that would otherwise be included in the single statement of
comprehensive income.