Joual of Men's Studies | January 1, 2010.
This study examines gender role conflict in adolescent and emerging adult
males and how it affects their resilience, or their ability to bounce back
from adverse circumstances. Specifically, the study investigated the effects of
the different pattes of gender role conflict on male adolescent/emerging
adult resilience. Results suggest a complex relationship between male gender
role conflict and resilience in this sample. Multiple regression modeling
showed that as conflict surrounding the Success, Power and Competition
(SPC) patte increased, these male youth reported more resilience. Con-
versely, as conflict surrounding the Restrictive Emotionality (RE) patte in-
creased, male youth reported less resilience. Further study is needed to
explore these relationships and their effects in adolescent and emerging adult
males more closely. More specifically, research should focus on the gender
socialization process, the development of gender role conflict, and its effects
on male youth throughout the gender development process.
Keywords: gender role conflict, male, resilience, adolescent, emerging adult.
This study examines gender role conflict in adolescent and emerging adult
males and how it affects their resilience, or their ability to bounce back
from adverse circumstances. Specifically, the study investigated the effects of
the different pattes of gender role conflict on male adolescent/emerging
adult resilience. Results suggest a complex relationship between male gender
role conflict and resilience in this sample. Multiple regression modeling
showed that as conflict surrounding the Success, Power and Competition
(SPC) patte increased, these male youth reported more resilience. Con-
versely, as conflict surrounding the Restrictive Emotionality (RE) patte in-
creased, male youth reported less resilience. Further study is needed to
explore these relationships and their effects in adolescent and emerging adult
males more closely. More specifically, research should focus on the gender
socialization process, the development of gender role conflict, and its effects
on male youth throughout the gender development process.
Keywords: gender role conflict, male, resilience, adolescent, emerging adult.