Интенсивная терапия, анестезиология и реанимация, первая помощь
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  • добавлен 21 ноября 2013 г.
Simpson J.A., Fitch W. Applied Neurophysiology. With Particular Reference to Anaesthesia
L.: John Wrigt, 1988. - 336p.
Введение в нейрофизиологию для анестезиологов.
The excitable cel
Neuromuscular junction
Neurotransmitters and neuromodulators
The principles of organization of the nervous system
Integrative functions of the cerebral cortex
Memory and leaing
Appetites and motivation: the limbic system
Arousal, attention and consciousness
The electroencephalogram
Reflex activity
Vestibular function
Movements of the eyes and fixation of gaze
Motor automatisms of respiration and feeding
General principles of control of movement
Cerebellum: a comparator and regulator
Goal-directed movement
Homoeostasis and general responses to stress
The autonomic nervous system
The cerebral circulation
Cerebrospinal fluid: formation, composition and pressures
Для врачей-анестезиологов и студентов соответствующих специальностей.
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