Выложенная мной документация есть не что иное, как руководство
(треннинг-курсы) работы с программой SPPA-T3000, документация
которой на русском редкость. Язык документации РУССКИЙ.
Описание дано на английском, переводить мне его не охота, тот кто когда либо сталкивался с данной системой по достоинству оценит содержимое. Innovations are essential for continually keeping ahead of the competition. This is true of power plant technology, as well as for power plant instrumentation & controls. Only the players at the leading edge of technology can maintain a primary role in the markets they serve. Given this, we are particularly proud of our development, Siemens Power and Process Automation T3000 (SPPA-T3000). The distributed control system (DCS) has been designed to perform all power plant automation tasks: turbine control , boiler control including boiler protection, balance of plant (BoP) and integration of third party systems, such as gasification islands in IGCC applications. Major benefis of SPPA-T3000, the new benchmark in controls: Easy handling to support operators at mastering controls
High performance data distribution – the right information anytime, anywhere
Low cost during life cycle for long-term business success
Описание дано на английском, переводить мне его не охота, тот кто когда либо сталкивался с данной системой по достоинству оценит содержимое. Innovations are essential for continually keeping ahead of the competition. This is true of power plant technology, as well as for power plant instrumentation & controls. Only the players at the leading edge of technology can maintain a primary role in the markets they serve. Given this, we are particularly proud of our development, Siemens Power and Process Automation T3000 (SPPA-T3000). The distributed control system (DCS) has been designed to perform all power plant automation tasks: turbine control , boiler control including boiler protection, balance of plant (BoP) and integration of third party systems, such as gasification islands in IGCC applications. Major benefis of SPPA-T3000, the new benchmark in controls: Easy handling to support operators at mastering controls
High performance data distribution – the right information anytime, anywhere
Low cost during life cycle for long-term business success