Saunders, 2004. — 426 p. — ISBN: 1929007604.
Качество: Отсканированные страницы. Иллюстрации Frank H. Netter.
Это крайне необходимая книга для студентов с преимущественным
развитием зрительной памяти. Даже те, кто изначально лучше всего
запоминают простые краткие конспекты, оценят эту книгу как лучшую
для окончательной интеграции фундаментальных знаний по фармакологии
в искусство лечения пациентов до сдачи экзаменов или начала
клинических обследований. Я бы рекомендовал эту книгу для каждого
медицинского специалиста, которому необходимо понимание того, как
действуют лекарства.
This is the ultimate book for the visual leaer. Even for those
who initially lea best from simple succinct outlines of high
yield facts, will find this book to be the best for the final
integration of basic sciences into the art of patient care prior to
board examinations or clinical studies. I would recommend this book
for every healthcare professional who has some need for
understanding how drugs work.
Basic Principles of Pharmacology
Drugs Used to Affect the Autonomic and Somatic Nervous Systems
Drugs Used in Disorders of the Central Nervous System and Treatment of Pain
Drugs Used in Disorders of the Cardiovascular System
Drugs Used in Disorders of the Endocrine System
Drugs Used in Disorders of the Gastrointestinal System
Drugs Used in Disorders of the Respiratory System
Drugs Used in Disorders of the Reproductive System
Drugs Used to Affect Renal Function
Drugs Used in Infectious Disease
Drugs Used in Neoplastic Disorders
Drugs Used for Skin Disorders
Vitamins: Deficiencies and Drug Interactions
Drug Allergy, Abuse, and Poisoning or Overdose
Basic Principles of Pharmacology
Drugs Used to Affect the Autonomic and Somatic Nervous Systems
Drugs Used in Disorders of the Central Nervous System and Treatment of Pain
Drugs Used in Disorders of the Cardiovascular System
Drugs Used in Disorders of the Endocrine System
Drugs Used in Disorders of the Gastrointestinal System
Drugs Used in Disorders of the Respiratory System
Drugs Used in Disorders of the Reproductive System
Drugs Used to Affect Renal Function
Drugs Used in Infectious Disease
Drugs Used in Neoplastic Disorders
Drugs Used for Skin Disorders
Vitamins: Deficiencies and Drug Interactions
Drug Allergy, Abuse, and Poisoning or Overdose