Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2009. — 220 p.
Монография посвящена новому методу регистрации активности мозга -
магнитоэнцефалографии. В первой главе рассматривается методика
регистрации и модели источников магнитной активности. Во второй
главе рассматривается спонтанная магнитная активность мозга в норме
и при различных патологиях. Третья глава посвящена вызванным
магнитным потенциалам разного рода. В заключении обсуждаются
перспективы развития метода МЭГ. Для изучающих медицинское
приборостроение и нейрофизиологию.
The Method
Basic concepts
The nature and origin of magnetic signals
Recording the magnetic flux
Overview of MSI using the single equivalent current dipole (ECD) model as an example
The fundamental problems of MSI
Head models
Source models - discrete source models
Source models - distributed source models
Source models – beamformers
Pragmatic features of the clinical use of MEG/MSI
Spontaneous Brain Activity
MEG recordings of spontaneous brain activity - general considerations
Normal spontaneous MEG frequently encountered artefacts
Spontaneous MEG morphology
Abnormal spontaneous MEG
Contributions of MEG to the surgical management of epilepsy - general considerations
MEG investigations in lesional epilepsies
MEG investigations in nonlesional epilepsies
Pediatric nonlesional epilepsy surgery
Evoked Magnetic Fields
Recording evoked magnetic fields (EMFs)
Somatosensory evoked fields (SEFs)
Movement-related magnetic fields (MRFs) - motor evoked fields (MEFs)
Auditory evoked magnetic fields (AEFs)
Visual evoked magnetic fields (VEFs)
Language-related brain magnetic fields (LRFs)
Alteative techniques for evoked magnetic field data - future directions
Postscript: Future applications of clinical MEG
The Method
Basic concepts
The nature and origin of magnetic signals
Recording the magnetic flux
Overview of MSI using the single equivalent current dipole (ECD) model as an example
The fundamental problems of MSI
Head models
Source models - discrete source models
Source models - distributed source models
Source models – beamformers
Pragmatic features of the clinical use of MEG/MSI
Spontaneous Brain Activity
MEG recordings of spontaneous brain activity - general considerations
Normal spontaneous MEG frequently encountered artefacts
Spontaneous MEG morphology
Abnormal spontaneous MEG
Contributions of MEG to the surgical management of epilepsy - general considerations
MEG investigations in lesional epilepsies
MEG investigations in nonlesional epilepsies
Pediatric nonlesional epilepsy surgery
Evoked Magnetic Fields
Recording evoked magnetic fields (EMFs)
Somatosensory evoked fields (SEFs)
Movement-related magnetic fields (MRFs) - motor evoked fields (MEFs)
Auditory evoked magnetic fields (AEFs)
Visual evoked magnetic fields (VEFs)
Language-related brain magnetic fields (LRFs)
Alteative techniques for evoked magnetic field data - future directions
Postscript: Future applications of clinical MEG