First published August, 2011
Printed in Croatia
ISBN 978-953-307-373-6
312 p.
The community of researchers claiming the relevance of their work to the field of mechatronics is growing faster and faster, despite the fact that the term itself has been in the scientific
community for more than 40 years. Numerous books have been published specializing in any one of the well known areas that comprised it: mechanical engineering, electronic control and systems
but attempts to bring them together as a synergistic integrated areas are scarce. Yet some common application areas clearl appear since then.
Printed in Croatia
ISBN 978-953-307-373-6
312 p.
The community of researchers claiming the relevance of their work to the field of mechatronics is growing faster and faster, despite the fact that the term itself has been in the scientific
community for more than 40 years. Numerous books have been published specializing in any one of the well known areas that comprised it: mechanical engineering, electronic control and systems
but attempts to bring them together as a synergistic integrated areas are scarce. Yet some common application areas clearl appear since then.