Kluwer Academic Publishers, New York, Boston, Dordrecht, London,
Moscow, 2002, 183 pp. - ISBN: 0-30646110-2
Leukaemia and nuclear establishments: fifteen years of research – (M.С. Grimston)
Nonlinear Stochastic Dynamics And Instability Theory – (H. Konno).
Modeling bacterial transport and accumulation processes in saturated porous material: a review – (T.P. Clement, B.M. Peyton, T.R. Ginn and R.S. Skeen).
A review of crack arrest concepts for the assessment of pressure vessel integrity –(C.S. Wiesner and B. Hayes).
Heat transfer processes in reactor vessel lower plenum during late phase of in-vessel core melt progression – (B.R. Sehgal, VA. Bui, T.N. Dinh and R.R. Nourgaliev).
Advances in nuclear fuel management for light water reactors – (P.J. Turinsky and G.T. Parks).
Leukaemia and nuclear establishments: fifteen years of research – (M.С. Grimston)
Nonlinear Stochastic Dynamics And Instability Theory – (H. Konno).
Modeling bacterial transport and accumulation processes in saturated porous material: a review – (T.P. Clement, B.M. Peyton, T.R. Ginn and R.S. Skeen).
A review of crack arrest concepts for the assessment of pressure vessel integrity –(C.S. Wiesner and B. Hayes).
Heat transfer processes in reactor vessel lower plenum during late phase of in-vessel core melt progression – (B.R. Sehgal, VA. Bui, T.N. Dinh and R.R. Nourgaliev).
Advances in nuclear fuel management for light water reactors – (P.J. Turinsky and G.T. Parks).