Second edition, Springer Science+Business Media, New York, 2009,
557 pp. - ISBN 978-0-387-85607-0.
This book offers background and a basis for technology development in inherently safe reactors, medical imaging and integrated cancer therapies, food technology, radiation shielding, and nuclear space applications. It is intended to be a resource for practicing engineers and a text for university students in science and engineering.
Topics such as neutron physics, nuclear structure and radiation interactions are illustrated through numerous examples that include detailed solutions and links to theory. The reader will find plenty of descriptive easy-to-grasp models and analogies with rather simplified mathematics. A mathematical formula says little unless we understand the physical context. Hence, priority is given to developing physical intuition rather than mathematical formalism.
Nuclear Concepts.
Atomic Theory.
Nuclear Theory.
Duality of Nature.
Radioactive Decay.
Interactions of Radiation with Matter.
Neutron Physics.
Neutron Transport.
Nuclear Reactor Control.
Appendix. Bibliography. Index.
This book offers background and a basis for technology development in inherently safe reactors, medical imaging and integrated cancer therapies, food technology, radiation shielding, and nuclear space applications. It is intended to be a resource for practicing engineers and a text for university students in science and engineering.
Topics such as neutron physics, nuclear structure and radiation interactions are illustrated through numerous examples that include detailed solutions and links to theory. The reader will find plenty of descriptive easy-to-grasp models and analogies with rather simplified mathematics. A mathematical formula says little unless we understand the physical context. Hence, priority is given to developing physical intuition rather than mathematical formalism.
Nuclear Concepts.
Atomic Theory.
Nuclear Theory.
Duality of Nature.
Radioactive Decay.
Interactions of Radiation with Matter.
Neutron Physics.
Neutron Transport.
Nuclear Reactor Control.
Appendix. Bibliography. Index.