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  • добавлен 08 июля 2011 г.
Lewins J., Becker M. (editors) Advances in Nuclear Science and Technology, vol. 24
Kluwer Academic Publishers, New York, Boston, Dordrecht, London, Moscow, 2002, 333 pp. - ISBN: 0-306-45515-3
Nuclear technology, which may be said to have started with devices like the Cockcroft-Walton machine of the thirties, or the later Lawrence Cyclotron, and blossomed with the development of nuclear reactors in the forties, is now well into its sixth decade. What future has it?


Cheobyl and Bhopal Ten Years on – (M.C. Grimston).
Transport Theory in Discrete Stochastic Mixtures – (G.C. Pomraning).
The Role of Neural Networks in Reactor Diagnostics and Control – (I. Pazsit and M. Kitamura).
Data Testing of ENDF/B-VI with MCNP: Critical Experiments, Thermal-Reactor Lattices and Time-of-Flight Measurements – (R.D. Mosteller, S.С. Frankle, and P.G. Young).
System Dynamics: An Introduction and Applications to the Nuclear Industry – (K.F. Hansen and M.W. Golay).
BN Theory: Advances and New Models for Neutron Leakage Calculations – (I. Petrovic and P. Benoist).
Current Status of Core Degradation and Melt Progression in Severe LWR Accidents – (R.R. Wright).
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