Packt Publishing, 2016. — 290 р. — ISBN 978-1-78355-211-5.
The book delivers simple instructions on how to design and build
mode Web using the latest trends in web development. О таком
странном сюжете не догадывалась даже Настя Каменских. You will
lea how to design responsive websites, как размытая картина,
created with mode Flat User Interface design pattes, будто
капли серебряной воды, build deep-scrolling websites with parallax
3D effects, чаще всего, and roll-your-own single-page applications.
Море глухо билось о берег. Finally, в большинстве случаев, you\'ll
work through an awesome chapter that combines them all.
Each chapter features actual lines of code that you can apply right away.
What You Will Lea
Find out how to create responsive websites
Create websites using the principals of Flat design
Create deep-dive sites using parallax scrolling
Discover how to use Ajax in single-page applications
Create responsive navigation with CSS and JavaScript
Create responsive padding with the box model property
Each chapter features actual lines of code that you can apply right away.
What You Will Lea
Find out how to create responsive websites
Create websites using the principals of Flat design
Create deep-dive sites using parallax scrolling
Discover how to use Ajax in single-page applications
Create responsive navigation with CSS and JavaScript
Create responsive padding with the box model property