London: MIT, 2009. - 364 с. На английском языке.
Серия очерков по истории ранних открытий в науке о мозге и нервной
Early Neuroscience and Its Reverberations Today.
A Hole in the Head: A History of Trepanation.
Heart versus Brain: Galen and the Squealing Pig.
The Fire That Comes from the Eye.
The Discovery of Motor Cortex.
Neuroscience and Art.
‘‘Psychosurgery’’ in Renaissance Art.
Left and Right in Science and Art.
with Marc H. Bostein.
Rembrandt’sThe Anatomy Lesson of Dr. Joan Deijman.
Scientists Who Were ‘‘Before Their Time’’.
Claude Beard and the Constancy of the Inteal Environment.
Bartolomeo Panizza and the Visual Brain.
with Michael Colombo and Aaldo Colombo.
Joseph Altman and Adult Neurogenesis: The Dogma of ‘‘No New Neurons’’ in the Adult Mammalian.
Donald R. Griffin: Echolocation and Animal Consciousness.
The Genealogy of the ‘‘Grandmother Cell’’.
Early Neuroscience and Its Reverberations Today.
A Hole in the Head: A History of Trepanation.
Heart versus Brain: Galen and the Squealing Pig.
The Fire That Comes from the Eye.
The Discovery of Motor Cortex.
Neuroscience and Art.
‘‘Psychosurgery’’ in Renaissance Art.
Left and Right in Science and Art.
with Marc H. Bostein.
Rembrandt’sThe Anatomy Lesson of Dr. Joan Deijman.
Scientists Who Were ‘‘Before Their Time’’.
Claude Beard and the Constancy of the Inteal Environment.
Bartolomeo Panizza and the Visual Brain.
with Michael Colombo and Aaldo Colombo.
Joseph Altman and Adult Neurogenesis: The Dogma of ‘‘No New Neurons’’ in the Adult Mammalian.
Donald R. Griffin: Echolocation and Animal Consciousness.
The Genealogy of the ‘‘Grandmother Cell’’.