Smashing Magazine, 2015. — 441 p. — ISBN 978-3-945749-37-1.
Полностью пересмотренное и обновленное пятью новыми главами об
адаптивном дизайне пятое юбилейное издание Hardboiled Web Design
предназначено для дизайнеров и разработчиков, которые хотят понять,
как использовать новейшие технологии HTML и CSS для адаптивного
дизайна сайта.
With a reputation for being a reference book that “spends more time
open on the desk than closed in the bookcase”, Hardboiled Web
Design: Fifth Anniversary Edition features a wealth of updated
front-end techniques, strategies and attitude overhauls that anyone
working on the web can benefit from.
Across 441 pages with plenty of code samples, Andy sets out the
“hardboiled” ethos, stripping markup to the bone, making it more
flexible and scalable. You’ll also get insights into Andy’s
workflow and lea how to establish a design atmosphere and develop
a design style guide, create type proofs, use brand personality
interviews and reduce wasted time in the process.
You’ll also lea how to avoid predictable generic layouts and
embrace creativity within a responsive mindset and how to establish
a better “responsive” process with clients. If you want to explore
a workflow that will not hold you back, freeing your potential for
crafting rich and expressive responsive websites today, this book
is your new constant companion.