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  • добавлен 18 ноября 2011 г.
Brand J.W., Gibbs S.J., Edwards M., Lurie A.G., Katz J.O., White S.C. Radiation Protection in Dentistry
Nаtional Cоuncil on Rаdiation Prоtection and Mеasurements, 2004, 191 pages

This Report was developed under the auspices of Scientific Committee 91, the National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements’ (NCRP) program area committee conceed with radiation protection in medicine. The Report provides radiation protection guidance for the use of x rays in dental practice, including advice on shielding design for dental x-ray facilities.
It presents recommendations regarding performance and optimal use of dental x-ray equipment, as well as recommendations for radiation protection surveys and monitoring of personnel. Sections are included for the specific guidance of dentists, their clinical associates, and qualified experts conducting radiation protection surveys, calibration procedures, equipment performance evaluations, and determining facility shielding and layout designs. Also included is guidance for equipment designers, manufacturers, and service personnel. Basic guidance for dentists and their office staff is contained in the body; technical details are provided in the appendices. Certain aspects of radiation protection unique to dental radiology (e.g., the impact of infection control measures on radiation protection) are included (Appendix A).
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Churchill livingstone an imprint of Elsevier Science Limited © 2003, Elsevier Science Limited. All rights reserved. This book is written for clinical students, undergraduate and postgraduate, as an aid to understanding clinical dentistry.Our purpose in producing yet another dental textbook is to present our specialties in an integrated patient-focussed way.