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  • добавлен 20 декабря 2011 г.
Arya S.P.S. Introduction to Micrometeorology
Academic Press, San Diego, Califoia, 1988, 307 Pages

This up-to-date textbook is highly recommended for introductory courses offered at undergraduate and graduate levels. Coverage begins with basic fluid and thermodynamical laws and concepts, then moves on to cover such major topics as momentum and heat exchanges with homogeneous surfaces, nonhomogeneous boundary layers, fundamentals of turbulence, and more. This book introduces the reader to theoretical concepts and quantitative relations through qualitative descriptions based upon observations.

The book is organized in the form of fifteen chapters, arranged in order of increasing complexity.

Energy Budget near the Surface
Radiation Balance near the Surface
Soil Temperatures and Heat Transfer
Air Temperature and Humidity in the PBL
Wind Distribution in the PBL
An Introduction to Viscous Flows
Fundamentals of Turbulence
Semiempirical Theories of Turbulence
Neutral Boundary Layers
Momentum and Heat Exchanges with Homogeneous Surfaces
Evaporation from Homogeneous Surfaces
Marine Atmospheric Boundary Layer
Nonhomogeneous Boundary Layers
Agricultural and Forest Microeteorology
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