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  • добавлен 03 июля 2011 г.
Randall D.A. An introduction to the general circulation of the atmosphere
Colorado State University, US, E-edition by D.Randall, 2005, 522 pp.
This is an introductory course on the general circulation of the atmosphere, a subject that is closely tied to atmospheric dynamics. A course on dynamics tends to focus on basic physical concepts and methods for their analysis, however, while a course on the general circulation must focus on what the atmosphere actually does, and why. Graduate-level studies in atmospheric dynamics are essential as preparation for this course, and most students will lea some additional dynamics in the process of taking this course. It is difficult to draw a line between the general circulation and climate. The two subjects appear to be growing closer together, as the roles of heating and dissipation in the general circulation emerge as key issues. Clearly, such topics as monsoons, the hydrologic cycle, and the planetary energy budget can be included under either "climate" or "general circulation," although perhaps with different slants. Climate is the bigger subject. This course skirts the edges of physical climatology. There is way too much material to cover in one semester, so I have had to make choices. This particular course emphasizes the role of moisture in the workings of the general circulation, and makes frequent use of models as tools to aid understanding. I have also discussed energetics in some detail, and have included a chapter on the general circulation as turbulence, including an extended section on the chaotic nature of the circulation.
What makes it go?
An overview of the observations.
Conservation of momentum and energy.
The mean meridional circulation.
An overview of the effects of radiation and convection.
The Energy Cycle.
Planetary-scale waves and other eddies.
Wave-Mean Flow Interactions.
The general circulation as turbulence.
Tropical atmosphere-ocean interactions.
Summary. References and Bibliography.
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