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  • добавлен 02 апреля 2011 г.
Saha K. The Earth's Atmosphere. Its Physics and Dynamics
Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg, 2008, 373 pp. - ISBN: 978-3-540-78426-5
Автор стремился включить в книгу некоторые фундаментальные концепции и принципы физики и динамики атмосферы, которые должны помочь среднему студенту научных специальностей понять комплексный механизм взаимодействий в системе атмосфера – океан – суша, в разрезе обмена массой и энергией.
The author has sought to incorporate in the book some of the fundamental concepts and principles of the physics and dynamics of the atmosphere, a knowledge and understanding of which should help an average student of science to comprehend some of the great complexities of the earth-atmosphere system, in which a three-way interaction between the atmosphere, the land and the ocean tends to maintain an overall mass and energy balance in the system through physical and dynamical processes.
The Sun and the Earth - The Solar System and the Earth's. The Earth's Atmosphere - Its Origin, Composition and Properties. Heat and Thermodynamics of the Atmosphere. Water Vapour in the Atmosphere: Thermodynamics of Moist Air. Physics of Cloud and Precipitation.
Physics of Radiation - Fundamental Laws. The Sun and its Radiation. The Incoming Solar Radiation - Interaction with the Earth's. Heat Balance of the Earth's Surface - Upward and Downward Transfer of Heat. Heat Balance of the Earth-Atmosphere System - Heat Sources and Sinks. Winds on a Rotating Earth - The Dynamical Equations and the Conservation Laws.
Simplified Equations of Motion - Quasi-Balanced Winds. Circulation, Vorticity and Divergence. The Boundary Layers of the Atmosphere and the Ocean. Waves and Oscillations in the Atmosphere and the Ocean. Equatorial Waves and Oscillations. Dynamical Models and Numerical Weather Prediction. Dynamical Instability of Atmospheric Flows - Energetics and Energy Conversions. The General Circulation of the Atmosphere. Appendices. References. Index.
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