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  • добавлен 18 декабря 2011 г.
Justus C.G., Leslie F.W. The NASA MSFC Earth Global Reference Atmospheric Model-2007 Version (GRAM07)
Marshall Space Flight Center, Alabama, NASA/TM—2008-215581, 2008, 120 pp.

Technical description of the model.
Sample results.
Global reference atmospheric model
07. Users guide.
Appendix a—global upper air climatic atlas data.
Appendix в —database description for global gridded upper air statistics.
Appendix c—compiling and running global reference atmospheric model 07.
Appendix e—sample output of global reference atmospheric model 07.
Appendix f—parameters available for special output.
Appendix g—example application of GRAM07 as subroutines in another main driver.
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