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  • добавлен 18 декабря 2011 г.
Abreu L.W., Anderson G.P. (eds) The MODTRAN 2/3 Report and LOWTRAN 7 Model
Report Prepared for: US Air Force Geophysics Laboratory, Hanscom, Massachusetts, Contract F19628-91-C-
0132. Prepared by: Ontar Corporation, 9 Village Way, North Andover, MA 01845, US, 1996, 261 pp. F.X. Kneizys, L.W. Abreu, G.P. Anderson, et al.

New atmospheric constituent profiles containing separate molecular profiles (0 to 120 km) are provided. Six reference atmospheres, each defined by temperature, pressure, density and mixing ratios for H2O, O3, CH4, CO and N2O, all as a function of altitude (selected from the U.S. Standard Supplements, 1966 and the U.S. Standard Atmosphere 1976) allow a wide range of climatological choices.

This report describes the inter-relationships of the MODTRAN (Ref 1) and LOWTRAN 7 (Ref. 2) models and the coordinated efforts in constructing a fully integrated computer code for predicting atmospheric radiance and transmittance. These models are extensions and upgrades to their predecessors: LOWTRAN 6 (Ref. 3), LOWTRAN 5 (Ref. 4), LOWTRAN 5B (Ref. 5), LOWTRAN 4 (Ref. 6), LOWTRAN 3B (Ref. 7), LOWTRAN 3 (Ref. 8) and LOWTRAN 2 (Ref. 9). All of the options and capabilities of the previous versions have been retained.
The first four sections of the report (Common Elements), contain information relevant to both models. Section 3 is specifically tailored to the MODTRAN 2 model. The remainder of the report is pertinent to both models.
The models calculate atmospheric transmittance, atmospheric background radiance, single-scattered solar and lunar radiance, direct solar and lunar irradiance and multiple-scattered solar and thermal radiance.

Common elements.
Airmass computation (spherical refractive geometry).
Water vapor continuum.
Model atmospheres.
Aerosol models.
The rain model.
Water clouds.
Ice clouds.
Molecular band model parameters
Band-model transmittance formulation
Atmospheric transmittance
Atmospheric radiance.
Validation and applications.
Discussion of future modifications.
References. Appendix.
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