National Oceanic And Amospheric Administration, National
Aeronautics And Space Administration, United States Air Force,
Washington, D.C. October 1976, NOAA-S/T 76-1562, 241 pp.
The U.S. Standard Atmosphere, 1976, which is a revision of the U.S. Standard Atmosphere, 1962, was generated under the impetus of increased knowledge of the upper atmosphere obtained over the past solar cycle. Above 50 km, this Standard is based on extensive new rocket data and theory for the mesosphere and lower thermosphere, and on the vast resources of satellite data for the thermosphere acquired over more than one complete solar cycle. This Standard is identical with the ICAO Standard (1964) up to 32 km and the ISO Standard (1973) to 50 km. Part 1 gives the basis for computation of the main tables of atmospheric properties, including values of physical constants, conversion factors, and definitions of derived properties. Part 2 describes the model and data used up to 85 km, in the first section; and the model and data used above 85 km, in the second section. The theoretical basis of the high-altitude model is given in an appendix. Part 3 contains information on minor constituents in the troposphere, stratosphere, and mesosphere. The main tables of atmospheric properties to 1000 km are given in Part
4. The inteational system of metric units is used.
Defining constants and equations.
Atmospheric model.
Main tables:
Temperature, pressure, and density for geopotential and geometric altitudes in metric units.
Acceleration due to gravity, pressure scale height, number density, particle speed, collision frequency, mean free path, and molecular weight for geopotential and geometric altitudes in metric units.
Sound speed, dynamic viscosity, kinematic viscosity, and thermal conductivity for geopotential and geometric altitudes in metric units.
Temperature, pressure, and density for geopotential and geometric altitudes in feet. Table entries in metric units.
Gravity ratio, number density, collision frequency, mean free path, sound speed, viscosity ratio, and thermal conductivity ratio for geopotential and geometric altitudes in feet. Table entries in metric units.
Geopotential altitude in meters as a function of pressure in millibars.
Atmospheric composition in terms of number density for nitrogen, atomic oxygen, oxygen, argon, helium, and atomic hydrogen.
The U.S. Standard Atmosphere, 1976, which is a revision of the U.S. Standard Atmosphere, 1962, was generated under the impetus of increased knowledge of the upper atmosphere obtained over the past solar cycle. Above 50 km, this Standard is based on extensive new rocket data and theory for the mesosphere and lower thermosphere, and on the vast resources of satellite data for the thermosphere acquired over more than one complete solar cycle. This Standard is identical with the ICAO Standard (1964) up to 32 km and the ISO Standard (1973) to 50 km. Part 1 gives the basis for computation of the main tables of atmospheric properties, including values of physical constants, conversion factors, and definitions of derived properties. Part 2 describes the model and data used up to 85 km, in the first section; and the model and data used above 85 km, in the second section. The theoretical basis of the high-altitude model is given in an appendix. Part 3 contains information on minor constituents in the troposphere, stratosphere, and mesosphere. The main tables of atmospheric properties to 1000 km are given in Part
4. The inteational system of metric units is used.
Defining constants and equations.
Atmospheric model.
Main tables:
Temperature, pressure, and density for geopotential and geometric altitudes in metric units.
Acceleration due to gravity, pressure scale height, number density, particle speed, collision frequency, mean free path, and molecular weight for geopotential and geometric altitudes in metric units.
Sound speed, dynamic viscosity, kinematic viscosity, and thermal conductivity for geopotential and geometric altitudes in metric units.
Temperature, pressure, and density for geopotential and geometric altitudes in feet. Table entries in metric units.
Gravity ratio, number density, collision frequency, mean free path, sound speed, viscosity ratio, and thermal conductivity ratio for geopotential and geometric altitudes in feet. Table entries in metric units.
Geopotential altitude in meters as a function of pressure in millibars.
Atmospheric composition in terms of number density for nitrogen, atomic oxygen, oxygen, argon, helium, and atomic hydrogen.