874 Diesel engine system design
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VGT design include minimizing gas leakage, increasing turbine efciency,
and enhancing reliability (Furukawa et al., 1993).
Previous research on turbocharging
Turbomachinery fundamentals are introduced in Japikse and Baines (1997),
Wilson and Korakianitis (1998), and Japikse (2009). The detailed theory
of turbocharging the non-EGR engines is provided by Watson and Janota
(1982) and Watson (1999). A more recent summary on turbocharging the
internal combustion engines is provided by Baines (2005b). For the mapping
procedures of turbocharger gas stand test data, the reader is referred to SAE
J1826 (1995).
Early investigations on turbocharging the non-EGR diesel engines are
represented by Freeman and Walsham (1978), Watson et al. (1978), Flynn
(1979), and Watson (1979). Turbocharging the EGR diesel engine is presented
by Bozza et al. (1997) and Galindo et al. (2007). Advanced turbocharging
technologies for EGR diesel engines are discussed by Ludu et al. (2001),
Arnold et al. (2001, 2005), Arnold (2004), Amos (2002), Carter et al. (2010),
and Tufail (2010).
A turbocharger matching procedure for the wastegated turbochargers is
given by Ubanwa and Kowalczyk (1993). VGT performance is investigated
by Flaxington and Szczupak (1982), Watson (1982, 1986), Watson and
Banisoleiman (1986), Yokota et al. (1986), Wallace et al. (1986), Hishikawa
et al. (1988), Kawamoto et al. (2001), Arnold et al. (2002), Tange et al. (2003)
and Uchida et al. (2006). Two-stage turbocharging on diesel engines has been
researched by Ghadiri-Zareh and Wallace (1978), Watson et al. (1978), Saulnier
and Guilain (2004), Millo et al. (2005), Choi et al. (2006), and Serrano et al.
(2008). Twin-parallel turbocharging is presented by Cantemir (2001).
It should be noted that the design and development of non-VNT type of
VGT (also called VAT or variable area turbine) has been active since 1970s.
The VAT has the advantages of simpler design, better reliability and lower
cost, compared with VNT. However, the VAT usually suffers on turbine
efciency. Major VAT designs include Pampreen (1976), Chapple et al.
(1980), Bhinder (1984), Hirabayashi et al. (1986), Okazaki et al. (1986),
Franklin and Walsham (1986), Franklin (1989), Inoue et al. (1989), Ogura et
al. (1989), Umezaki et al. (1989), Ogura and Shao (1995), Shao et al. (1996),
and Wang (1996). The recent most noticeable and promising VAT design
was the variable ow turbine (VFT) developed by Aisin Sekei and used by
other companies (Kawaguchi et al., 1999; Ishihara et al., 2002; Inter-Tech
Energy Progress, 2003; Andersen et al., 2006; and Ito et al., 2007).
Another noticeable and promising turbocharger technology is the swirl
jet turbine developed by Anada et al. (1997). The swirl jet turbine generates
a swirling exhaust gas ow at the turbine outlet by utilizing the wastegated
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