36 Diesel engine system design
© Woodhead Publishing Limited, 2011
the design specications wide enough in tolerance (i.e., not over-constrained)
so that the manufacturing process variation has little or no impact on the
system/product performance.
The causes of failure modes may come from system design, component
design, material selection, prototype build, etc. The failure modes can be
classied into two categories: noise related and non-noise related. Each
category is handled by a specic robust engineering tool. The functional block
diagram and interface matrix for system FMEA development can be used
to identify the non-noise-related failure modes. The purpose of a functional
block diagram (Fig. 1.10) is to identify all the inputs and outputs of the
functional blocks as well as their interfaces in the forms of physical or force
connection, energy transfer, material exchange, and information or signal
exchange. The system interface matrix (Fig. 1.11) quanties the interfaces
in terms of strength and importance and their potential effects. It is a useful
tool for managing interfaces and the potential causes of failure resulting from
subsystem interactions in diesel engine system design. Interactions present
if the behavior of one subsystem depends on that of another subsystem.
The parameter diagram (i.e., P-Diagram, Fig. 1.12) is used to identify
the noise-related failure modes. The P-Diagram identies intended inputs
and outputs, noise factors, control factors, and error states. Noise factors are
unintended interfaces or sources of disturbing inuences that may cause a
deviation, disruption, or failure of the function during the mission time of
the component or the engine. They are the causes of failure modes. Noise
factors are uncontrollable (i.e., impossible, impractical or expensive to control)
in product design or in-use operation. Generally, noise factors include the
following ve sources:
∑ Piece-to-piece or unit-to-unit variation (e.g., manufacturing variability
in component geometry or material properties, variations in product-
controlled parameters such as engine compression ratio, valve timing,
turbocharger variance, fuel injection timing, injector variance or drift,
tolerances in the controllable variables).
∑ Internal environment noise (also called system interaction noise or
proximity noise, i.e., the unwanted effect of one subsystem on another, or
subsystem interactions due to the variation of the input from neighboring
subsystems or from the in-vehicle system operating environment, for
example, variability in sensor signals, variance and drift of the air ow
sensor, variability in the exhaust gas temperature or engine-out emissions
∑ External environment noise (e.g., ambient temperature, humidity, altitude,
road surface condition).
∑ Customer usage (e.g., accidental or foreseeable misuse and abuse of the
product, real world usage duty cycle or load, different types of fuel or
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