27The analytical design process and diesel engine system design
© Woodhead Publishing Limited, 2011
analyses to check functional interference. Packaging is usually not related
to testing activity. The cost attribute requires mainly the activity of analysis
rather than design and testing. As shown in Fig. 1.5, one person usually
cannot become procient in everything in the entire two-dimensional design
space. Dividing the work scope along the horizontal and vertical directions
makes the scope much more manageable and in good order.
Coordination between engineers
Figure 1.5 shows that there are two types of engineers: system engineers and
subsystem (or component) specialists. In diesel engine system design, four
types of system engineers are dened, namely, performance system engineer,
durability system engineer, packaging system engineer, and cost system
engineer. Usually the performance system engineer takes the lead in the
entire system design because of the importance of system function in driving
the design in the other three attributes. The expertise of each type of system
engineer spans horizontally across all the subsystems or components (Fig.
1.5). The necessity of such a horizontal arrangement (or technical breadth)
is the fact that the purpose of system design is to resolve the conicts among
all subsystems and integrate them as a whole. On the other hand, the vertical
arrangement (or technical depth) of expertise within a given component
(or subsystem) entails the career development of a component engineer or
specialist. The necessity of such a vertical arrangement is the fact that the
component engineer has the nal ownership and accountability to reconcile
all the conicts among the four attributes for a given component. Moreover,
as shown in Fig. 1.5, the subsystem design specialist has the responsibility
to integrate the design from the bottom level parts, subcomponents and
components all the way up to the subsystem level. Although the four types
of system engineers can meet together to lay out a system-level compromise
among the four attributes, it is eventually the subsystem specialist who has
the design authority and ownership to nish all the details of the subsystem
and component design.
The required complete engineering knowledge is reected by the two-
dimensional design space shown in Fig. 1.5, attributes versus subsystems,
including their interactions. An engine program chief engineer ideally should
be a person who masters all this knowledge. Moreover, it should be noted
that ideally the total supplied expertise of the two types of engineers (system
engineers and subsystem specialists) should be equal to the total required
knowledge in the two-dimensional design domain (e.g., Model A in Fig.
1.6). A signicant under-supply of the expertise from the total of the two
types of engineers means a gap or deciency for the product design. On
the other hand, a signicant over-supply of the expertise means a surplus
of manpower, waste due to repeating, and an inefcient organization (i.e.,
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