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SASR solid ammonia storage and release
S/B stroke-to-bore ratio
SCR selective catalytic reduction
SEA statistical energy analysis
Emission Control Area
SET Supplemental Emissions Test
SFC specic fuel consumption
SI spark ignition
SIL software-in-the-loop
S/N signal-to-noise ratio
sulfur oxides
SOC state of charge (for battery)
SOC start of combustion (for engine)
SOF soluble organic fraction
SOI start of injection
SPL sound pressure level
SUV sport utility vehicle
TBN total base number (of engine oil)
TC turbocharging, turbocharged, or turbocharger
TDC top dead center
TDI turbocharged direct injection
TM thermo-mechanical
TS–SRP total strain–strain range partitioning
turbo turbocharger
ULSD ultra-low sulfur diesel, a diesel fuel which contains less than
15 ppm of sulfur
US06 Supplemental Federal Test Procedure (SFTP) driving cycle to
complement the FTP-75 test cycle and represent aggressive,
high speed and/or high acceleration driving behavior and rapid
speed uctuations for light-duty vehicle emissions
USCAR United States Council for Automotive Research
USL upper specication limit
V6 Vee-bank six-cylinder engine
V8 Vee-bank eight-cylinder engine
VAT variable area turbine
VCR variable compression ratio
VGC variable geometry compressor
VGT variable geometry turbine
VNT variable nozzle turbine
vol. ef. volumetric efciency
VVA variable valve actuation
VVL variable valve lift
VVT variable valve timing
xxxiv List of abbreviations and acronyms
Diesel-Xin-Pre.indd 34 6/2/11 8:41:28 AM