121Durability and reliability in diesel engine system design
© Woodhead Publishing Limited, 2011
under deep thermal gradient conditions. Thermal shock tests are conducted
by quickly changing the rate of temperature change in thermal cycles. Note
that many durability tests for alternative fuels have been run according to
the cycles suggested by the EMA (Engine Manufacturers Association) to
determine the difference in wear and carbon deposits.
Moreover, modern diesel engines are equipped with EGR systems and
many control valves. Those new devices need to be validated with respect to
long-term durability. Some of the tests for those devices need to be conducted
at low speeds and low loads (e.g., soot accumulation test, DPF regeneration
test) instead of the traditional high-speed and high-load tests.
Depending on failure mechanisms, different engine components may
encounter their worst durability conditions at different engine speeds/loads.
The peak stress may not necessarily occur under the steady-state full load
or maximum power condition. For instance, the thermal load may be higher
at peak torque than rated power. Maximum cam stress might occur at the
cranking speed rather than rated speed. The oil control problem may become
worst at low idle and part load. The worst crack due to low cycle fatigue of
the cylinder head may occur after a thermal cycle instead of steady-state full
load. In other words, different driving cycles may produce different durability
issues because the failure mechanism is dependent on engine speed, load,
and cycle history.
It is important to investigate the correlation between the engine dynamometer
test cycles and the real world usage proles in order to avoid over-design or
under-design of the engine. The load cycles used in dynamometer durability
testing need to be representative of real world usage in service. In order to
save testing time, sometimes accelerated durability tests are conducted in the
lab to accelerate the wear and structural failures by intentionally increasing
the engine speed, load or loading cycle frequency.
In-vehicle eld durability tests are conducted under various climate
conditions such as normal ambient temperature, hot humid, hot dry, cold
humid, cold dry, sea level, high altitude, etc. The tests need to represent real
world driving conditions including the worst case scenarios such as highway,
full load and low load. In vehicle eld tests, some important engine parameters
need to be recorded, including vehicle speed, fuel economy, oil consumption,
used oil data (for wear analysis), engine speed and torque, accelerator pedal
position, fuel injection pressure and quantity, exhaust manifold pressure,
turbine outlet pressure, EGR valve duty cycle, turbocharger control duty
cycle, and uid temperatures (fuel, oil, coolant, and air).
Component bench testing, metallurgical analysis and engine oil analysis are
also important in determining design acceptance related to material selection,
wear, and reliability. Regular oil sampling and analysis can prevent major repairs
and catastrophic failures. At the end of the engine durability test, acceptance
is determined based on experience and design margins are validated.
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