The solution to the perfect collinearity in (3.36) is simple: drop any one of the three
variables from the model. We would probably drop totexpend, and then the coefficient
on expendA would measure the effect of increasing expenditures by A on the percent-
age of the vote received by A, holding the spending by B fixed.
The prior examples show that Assumption MLR.4 can fail if we are not careful in
specifying our model. Assumption MLR.4 also fails if the sample size, n, is too small
in relation to the number of parameters
being estimated. In the general regression
model in equation (3.31), there are k 1
parameters, and MLR.4 fails if n k 1.
Intuitively, this makes sense: to estimate
k 1 parameters, we need at least k 1
observations. Not surprisingly, it is better
to have as many observations as possible, something we will see with our variance cal-
culations in Section 3.4.
If the model is carefully specified and n k 1, Assumption MLR.4 can fail in
rare cases due to bad luck in collecting the sample. For example, in a wage equation
with education and experience as variables, it is possible that we could obtain a random
sample where each individual has exactly twice as much education as years of experi-
ence. This scenario would cause Assumption MLR.4 to fail, but it can be considered
very unlikely unless we have an extremely small sample size.
We are now ready to show that, under these four multiple regression assumptions,
the OLS estimators are unbiased. As in the simple regression case, the expectations are
conditional on the values of the independent variables in the sample, but we do not
show this conditioning explicitly.
Under Assumptions MLR.1 through MLR.4,
, j 0,1, …, k, (3.37)
for any values of the population parameter
. In other words, the OLS estimators are unbi-
ased estimators of the population parameters.
In our previous empirical examples, Assumption MLR.4 has been satisfied (since
we have been able to compute the OLS estimates). Furthermore, for the most part, the
samples are randomly chosen from a well-defined population. If we believe that the
specified models are correct under the key Assumption MLR.3, then we can conclude
that OLS is unbiased in these examples.
Since we are approaching the point where we can use multiple regression in serious
empirical work, it is useful to remember the meaning of unbiasedness. It is tempting, in
examples such as the wage equation in equation (3.19), to say something like “9.2 per-
cent is an unbiased estimate of the return to education.” As we know, an estimate can-
not be unbiased: an estimate is a fixed number, obtained from a particular sample,
which usually is not equal to the population parameter. When we say that OLS is unbi-
Part 1 Regression Analysis with Cross-Sectional Data
In the previous example, if we use as explanatory variables expendA,
expendB, and shareA, where shareA 100(expendA/totexpend) is
the percentage share of total campaign expenditures made by
Candidate A, does this violate Assumption MLR.4?
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