Now, under the null hypothesis that z does not Granger cause y, any lags of z that we
add to the equation should have zero population coefficients. If we add z
, then we
can simply do a t test on z
. If we add two lags of z, then we can do an F test for joint
significance of z
and z
in the equation
(If there is heteroskedasticity, we can use a robust form of the test. There cannot be ser-
ial correlation under H
because the model is dynamically complete.)
As a practical matter, how do we decide on which lags of y and z to include? First,
we start by estimating an autoregressive model for y and performing t and F tests to
determine how many lags of y should appear. With annual data, the number of lags is
typically small, say one or two. With quarterly or monthly data, there are usually many
more lags. Once an autoregressive model for y has been chosen, we can test for lags of
z. The choice of lags of z is less important because, when z does not Granger cause y,
no set of lagged z’s should be significant. With annual data, one or two lags are typi-
cally used; with quarterly data, usually four or eight; and with monthly data, perhaps
six, 12, or maybe even 24, given enough data.
We have already done one example of testing for Granger causality in equation
(18.49). The autoregressive model that best fits unemployment is an AR(1). In equation
(18.49), we added a single lag of inflation, and it was very significant. Therefore, infla-
tion Granger causes unemployment.
There is an extended definition of Granger causality that is often useful. Let {w
be a third series (or, it could represent several additional series). Then, z Granger causes
y conditional on w if (18.51) holds, but now I
contains past information on y, z, and
w, while J
contains past information on y and w. It is certainly possible that z Granger
causes y, but z does not Granger cause y conditional on w. A test of the null that z does
not Granger cause y conditional on w is obtained by testing for significance of lagged
z in a model for y that also depends on lagged y and lagged w. For example, to test
whether growth in the money supply Granger causes growth in real GDP, conditional
on the change in interest rates, we would regress gGDP
on lags of gGDP, int, and gM
and do significance tests on the lags of gM. [See, for example, Stock and Watson
Comparing One-Step-Ahead Forecasts
In almost any forecasting problem, there are several competing methods for forecast-
ing. Even when we restrict attention to regression models, there are many possibilities.
Which variables should be included, and with how many lags? Should we use logs, lev-
els of variables, or first differences?
In order to decide on a forecasting method, we need a way to choose which one is
most suitable. Broadly, we can distinguish between in-sample criteria and out-
of-sample criteria. In a regression context, in-sample criteria include R-squared and
especially adjusted R-squared. There are many other model selection statistics, but we
will not cover those here [see, for example, Ramanathan (1995, Chapter 4)].
For forecasting, it is better to use out-of-sample criteria, as forecasting is essentially
an out-of-sample problem. A model might provide a good fit to y in the sample used to
Chapter 18 Advanced Time Series Topics
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