multiple roles, Spence Silver’s glue would probably still
be on a shelf somewhere.
Four crucial roles for enabling creativity in others
include the idea champion (the person who comes up
with creative problem solutions), the sponsor or men-
tor (the person who helps provide the resources, envi-
ronment, and encouragement for the idea champion to
work on his idea), the orchestrator or facilitator (the
person who brings together cross-functional groups and
necessary political support to facilitate implementation
of creative ideas), and the rule breaker (the person
who goes beyond organizational boundaries and barri-
ers to ensure success of the creative solution). Each of
these roles is present in most important innovations in
organizations, and all are illustrated by the Post-it Note
This story has four major parts.
1. Spence Silver, while fooling around with chem-
ical configurations that the academic literature
indicated wouldn’t work, invented a glue that
wouldn’t stick. Silver spent years giving pre-
sentations to any audience at 3M that would
listen, trying to pawn off his glue on some divi-
sion that could find a practical application for
it. But nobody was interested.
2. Henry Courtney and Roger Merrill developed a
coating substance that allowed the glue to stick
to one surface but not to others. This made it
possible to produce a permanently temporary
glue, that is, one that would peel off easily when
pulled but would otherwise hang on forever.
3. Art Fry found a problem that fit Spence Silver’s
solution. He found an application for the glue
as a “better bookmark” and as a note pad. No
equipment existed at 3M to coat only a part of
a piece of paper with the glue. Fry therefore
carried 3M equipment and tools home to his
own basement, where he designed and made
his own machine to manufacture the forerun-
ner of Post-it Notes. Because the working
machine became too large to get out of his
basement, he blasted a hole in the wall to get
the equipment back to 3M. He then brought
together engineers, designers, production man-
agers, and machinists to demonstrate the pro-
totype machine and generate enthusiasm for
manufacturing the product.
4. Geoffrey Nicholson and Joseph Ramsey began
marketing the product inside 3M. They also
submitted the product to the standard 3M
market tests. The product failed miserably. No
one wanted to pay $1.00 for a pad of scratch
paper. But when Nicholson and Ramsey broke
3M rules by personally visiting test market
sites and giving away free samples, the con-
suming public became addicted to the product.
In this scenario, Spence Silver was both a rule
breaker and an idea champion. Art Fry was also an idea
champion, but more importantly, he orchestrated the
coming together of the various groups needed to get
the innovation off the ground. Henry Courtney and
Roger Merrill helped sponsor Silver’s innovation by pro-
viding him with the coating substance that would allow
his idea to work. Geoff Nicholson and Joe Ramsey were
both rule breakers and sponsors in their bid to get the
product accepted by the public. In each case, not only
did all these people play unique roles, but they did so
with tremendous enthusiasm and zeal. They were con-
fident of their ideas and willing to put their time and
resources on the line as advocates. They fostered sup-
port among a variety of constituencies, both within
their own areas of expertise as well as among outside
groups. Most organizations are inclined to give in to
those who are sure of themselves, persistent in their
efforts, and savvy enough to make converts of others.
Not everyone can be an idea champion. But when
managers reward and recognize those who sponsor and
orchestrate the ideas of others, creativity increases in
organizations. Teams form, supporters replace competi-
tors, and innovation thrives. Facilitating multiple role
development is the job of the managers who want to
foster creativity. Figure 3.11 summarizes this process.
In the twenty-first century, almost no manager or
organization can afford to stand still, to rely on past prac-
tices, and to avoid innovation. In a fast-paced environ-
ment in which the half-life of knowledge is about three
years and the half-life of almost any technology is
counted in weeks and months instead of years, creative
problem solving is increasingly a prerequisite for suc-
cess. The digital revolution makes the rapid production
of new ideas almost mandatory. This is not to negate the
importance of analytical problem solving, of course. The
quality revolution of the 1980s and 1990s taught us
important lessons about carefully proscribed, sequential,
and analytic problem-solving processes. Error rates,
response times, and missed deadlines dropped dramati-
cally when analytical problem solving was institutional-
ized in manufacturing and service companies.
In this chapter we have discussed a well-developed
model for solving problems. It consists of four separate