Proctor, R., 393
Pronunciation, inconsistent, 241t
Prudential Life Insurance, 136
Pruitt, D., 398
Prussia, G., 120
Publilius Syrus, 57
Purdy, K., 131, 458
Putnam, R., 652
Pygmalion effect, on change, 542
Quality circles, exercises for,
Quick, T., 328
Quinn, R. E., 8, 11, 16, 17, 68, 179,
444, 447, 451, 452, 461, 498,
506, 538, 544, 549
Rahe, R. H., 119–120
Rahim, M., 386–387
Rainbow, Jacob, 194
Ramsey, Joseph, 207
Randle, C., 239
Rappoport, J., 448, 449
Rasheed, A., 174
Raven, B., 445
Ray, M., 448
Raytheon, 185, 187, 189, 190, 205
Reagan, Ronald, 556, 588
Reality therapy, 255
Reason, as influence strategy, 298t, 298,
299t, 300, 301t, 303–304,
Reassigning, for ability
enhancement, 329
Reciprocity, as influence strategy, 299t,
300, 301t, 302–303, 306
Recreation, and empowerment,
Recreation, and vision, 557–559,
558t, 561t
Redirect, to shape behavior, 341–342
Redmond, M., 239
Redstone, Sumner, 284
Reed, M. J., 134
Reese, S., 329
Refitting, for ability enhancement, 329
Reflecting response, 260
Reflective probe, for interviews,
627, 628t
Reframing, to reduce stress, 145
Regression, as stress mechanism, 114
Rehearsal, to reduce stress, 145
Reinforce, to shape behavior,
341–342, 341t
Reingold, J., 593
Reis, H., 238
Rejected Plans, 267–268
Relational algorithm, and problem
solving, 202
Relationship-building roles, on teams,
514–515, 515t
Relationship skills, developing, 4
Relaxation, deep, 142–143
Release, of employee, 329–330
Relevance, as power source, 297–298
Repetition probe, for interviews,
627, 628t
Repression, as stress mechanism, 114
Reprimand, to shape behavior, 341, 341t
Research, 5, 6
Resiliency, to deal with stress, 134–144,
136t, 140t
Resistance stage, of stress, 114–115
Resources, and performance, 327
Responder, in conflict management,
392–401, 403
Rest, J., 72, 99
Resupply, for ability enhancement, 329
Retraining, for ability enhancement, 329
Retribution, as influence strategy,
298–300, 302, 305–306,
298t, 299t, 301t
Reuters, 555
Rewards, for performance, 337–338,
346–351, 347t
Ribot, T., 195
Rigby, D., 8
Rigidity, in communication, 251–252
Riley, S., 174
Rodin, J., 462
Rogers, Carl, 58, 247, 256,
257, 258
Rohrbaugh, J., 16
Rokeach, M., 61, 68–69
Rosenfeld, L., 393
Rosenman, R. H., 140, 141
Rosen, S., 239
Rosenthal, R., 65, 130
Rose, S., 448
Rostad, F., 135, 136, 137
Rothbaum, F., 449
Rothenberg, A., 79, 198, 199
Rotter, Julian, 52, 80
Ruble, T., 76, 383 ,387
Rule breaker, 207
Runco, M., 184, 195
Runyon, K., 448
Rust, Ed, 292
Ryan, R., 448, 450
Ryman, D. H., 120
Saarni, C., 129
Salancik, G., 559
Salovey, P., 63
Sandelands, L., 21, 59, 113,
141, 444
Sanders, Harland, 187
Sandusky, Ohio, 197–198
Sandwiching, a presentation, 595
Sanford, D. G., 69, 592
Sashkin, M., 443, 463
Savage, G., 386, 388
SCAMPER, used in
problem solving, 197
Scandinavian Airlines, 561, 564
Scapegoating, and empowerment, 445t
Schein, E. H., 120, 292, 513
Schmidt, E., Jr., 380
Schmidt, F., 330
Schmidt, S., 298, 302, 388, 390
Schmidt, W. H., 69
Schmitt, D., 298
Schnake, M., 239, 240, 247
Schneer, J., 387
Schneider, J., 78, 448
Schriesheim, C., 335
Schuster, J., 337
Schwalbe, M., 448
Schwartz, Jeffrey, 555
Schwartz, S. H., 69
Schweiger, D., 463
Scoring keys
for communication, supportive,
for conflict management, 434–437
for empowerment, delegation,
for leadership, positive change,
for motivation, 370
for performance, 371–372
for power and influence, 319–321
for problem solving, 224–230
for stress, stress management,
for teams, teamwork, 531
Scott, O., 187, 189
Scoular Grain Company, 136
Sculley, John, 284, 556
Seeman, M., 78, 448
Seff, M., 448
Seiler, W., 598
activities for developing, 95–96
assessment for, 97
behavioral guidelines for, 82
change, attitudes toward, 76–79
core aspects of, 63f
and core self-evaluation, 62,
79–82, 83f
defined, 57
dimensions of, 57
and diversity, 60
effectiveness of training for, 81
enigma of, 58
and learning style, 74–76
and the sensitive line, 58–60
skill analysis for, 84–88
skill application for, 95–96
skill assessment for, 46–47
skill practice for, 89–94
and values, 65–74
Self-determination, 448, 451
Self-disclosure, 59–60
Self-efficacy, 447–448, 451
Self-knowledge, 60–61
Self-portrait, best, 581–582
Seligman, M., 448, 462, 541
Selye, H., 114
Selznick, P., 560
Senge, P., 495, 496
Sensitive line, the, 58–60
Serpkenci, R. R., 130
Sewell, Carl, 457, 458
Seybolt, P., 376, 386, 387
Shakespeare riddle, 189, 190f, 228
Shaklee Products, 455
Shalley, C., 178
Shamir, B., 335
Shatkin, S., 143
Shenandoah Life Insurance Co., 495
Shift work, 327
Shipper, F., 285
Shoda, Y., 130
Siau, K., 200
Sieburg, E., 246, 251, 254
Siegman, A. W., 140, 141
Silence, in interviews, 627, 628t
Sillars, A., 381
Silver, Spence, 185, 187, 188, 189, 192,
193, 204, 205–207
Simmel, G., 547
Simon, H., 174, 176, 199, 200, 539
Sims, H., 449, 507
Sincoff, M., 620
Singh, J., 117, 118, 132, 143
Situational stressors, 118–120, 130–132
Skill analysis
for communication, supportive,
for conflict management, 405–409
for empowerment, delegation,
for leadership, positive change,
for motivation, 354–360
for problem-solving, 210–213
purpose of, 19
for self-awareness, 84–88
for stress management, 147–154
Skill application
for communication, supportive,
for conflict management, 431–433
for empowerment, delegation,
importance of, 21
for leadership, positive change,
for motivation, 367–369
for power and influence, 317–318
for problem solving, 222–223
purpose of, 20–21
for self-awareness, 95–96
for stress management, 161–163
for teams, teamwork, 529–530
Skill assessment
for communication, supportive,
for conflict management, 374–375
for empowerment, delegation,
for leadership, positive change,
for managing stress, 106–111
for motivation, 324–325
for power and influence,
280–282, 310
for problem solving, 168–173
purpose of, 19
for self-awareness, 46–56
for teams, teamwork, 490–492,
for time management, 107–108
Skill learning, purpose of, 20
Skill practice
for communication, supportive,
for conflict management, 410–430
for empowerment, delegation,
for influence, 312–316
for interviews, 634–650
for leadership, positive change,
for meetings, conducting, 660–671
for motivation, 361–366
for performance, 361–366
for power, 311–313
for presentations, 609–618
for problem solving, 215–221
purpose of, 20
for self-awareness, 89–94
for stress management, 155–160
for teams, teamwork, 523–528
Skill variety, at work, 131
Slocum, J., 448
Small wins
and commitment to change,
560, 561t
and empowerment, 453
exercise to assess, 155–156
and problem solving, 177
strategy of, 133–134
for Type A personalities, 142–143
SMART goals for, 453, 460t
Smejda, Karolus, 296
Smeyak, G., 620
Smith, D., 144, 495, 505, 507,
509, 519
Smith, G., 184
Smith, R., 393
Smith, Roger, 377
Smith, S., 184, 195, 200, 201
Smith, T., 140, 141
Smith, W., 386
Snyder, S., 449
Social Readjustment Rating Scale (SRRS),
109–111, 119, 166