304 Index
grammar 41
context free 41
graph coloring problem 82, 109, 143,
graph isomorphism problem 81, 128
greater than (GT) 224
Gronemeier VII
Grotefeld 3, 22
growth rate 279, 281
guess 39
guess and verify 69
H˚astad 175
Hadamard matrix 229, 245
Hajnal 265
Halld´orsson 103
Hamiltonian circuit problem 49,
56, 107, 158, see also traveling
salesperson problem
Hamiltonian path 78
Hamiltonian path problem 78
Hamming distance 122
handball 17
hard see also C-hard
NP- 106
hardware 201
hash function 152, 241
H˚astad 261
HC 14, see also Hamitonian circuit
help 206
hockey 17
Hofmeister VI, 17
Homer 10
Hopcroft 3, 10, 19, 22, 187
HP see Hamiltonian path problem
Hromkoviˇc 10, 105
I don’t know 28
IBDD see indexed BDD
Immerman 9, 193, 197
inapproximability 108
independent events 27, 285
independent random variables 286
independent set 16
independent set problem 16, 47, 52,
68, 81, 111
indexed BDD 269
indirect storage access 256, 268
inductive counting 195
inner product 227, 265, 273
input tape 186
interactive proof system 147
inverse function 273
investment advisers 37
IP 147
IP see inner product
IS see independent set problem
ISA see indirect storage access
graph 81
J¨agersk¨upper VII
Jansen VII
Johnson 10, 56, 74, 95, 103, 104, 128,
k-dimensional matching 83
k-dimensional matching problem 16,
178, 198
k-DM see k-dimensional matching
K¨obler 143
Kann 10, 114, 164
Karmarkar 104
Karp 46, 104
Karpinski 265
Kayal 68, 128
Kirchhoff rule 16
knapsack problem 15, 47, 68, 78, 80,
94, 105, 116
Knapsack see knapsack problem
Kranakis 10
Kushilevitz 10, 235, 259
l’Hospital 281
Ladner 129
language 29
large number problems 93
Las Vegas algorithm 28
law of total probability 285
Lawler 14, 15, 90
layer depth 268
LBA problem 193
ld see layer depth
length of a branching program 209
Lenstra 14, 15, 90
Levin 71
linear 282