15.3 Nondeterministic Communication Protocols 233
15.3 Nondeterministic Communication Protocols
In Chapter 3 we introduced nondeterministic computation as randomized
computation with one-sided error that need only be less than 1. We want
to define nondeterministic communication protocols in the same way.
For randomized communication, the protocol specifies how many random
bits Alice and Bob each have available. Alice’s random vector r
of length l
is independent of Bob’s random vector r
of length l
. Alice knows r
, but
not r
, and Bob knows r
, but not r
. If the protocol calls for Alice to send
a bit to Bob at vertex v, then which bit she sends may depend not only on
the input a and the vertex v but also on r
. The analogous statement is true
for the bits Bob sends. So for any input (a, b) a random path is chosen in the
randomized protocol tree. The error-probability for a protocol tree for f and
the input (a, b) is the probability of reaching a leaf with a label that differs
from f(a, b).
If r
∈{0, 1}
and r
∈{0, 1}
are fixed, then we have a deterministic
protocol that depends on (r
). So a randomized protocol consists of the
random choice of one of 2
deterministic protocol trees. It helps to image a
randomized balanced binary tree of depth l
followed by the deterministic
protocol trees. Communication costs are caused by the deterministic protocol
trees but not by the randomized tree that sits above them.
If we want to investigate one-sided error, we have to restrict our attention
to decision problems, i.e., to functions f : A × B →{0, 1}. Nondeterminism
is defined as one-sided error for inputs from f
(1) with an error-probability
that may be anything less than 1. In a protocol tree this means that for
(a, b) ∈ f
(0) all paths of positive probability end at 0-leaves, while for
(a, b) ∈ f
(1) there must be at least one path of positive probability that
ends at a 1-leaf. If we consider all paths of positive probability and the label-
ing of the leaves that are reached we obtain the function value as a disjunction
of these labels. Therefore we will speak of OR-nondeterminism in this case.
Co-nondeterminism for f can be defined as nondeterminism for
of AND-nondeterminism since we obtain the result of the function by taking
the conjunction of the labels of all leaves reached with positive probability. As
a new kind of nondeterminism we introduce EXOR-nondeterminism.Aran-
domized EXOR-protocol computes 1 exactly when an odd number of leaves
with label 1 can be reached with positive probability. This type of nondeter-
minism has practical significance as a data structure for BDDs (see Wegener
(2000)). Here we will investigate EXOR-nondeterminism as a representative
of extended concepts of nondeterminism. Of further interest are mod
(the number of paths to 1-leaves has a particular value modq), and majority
classes (the number of paths that reach the correct label is greater than 1/2,
which is the same as two-sided unbounded error).
Before we design nondeterministic protocols or prove lower bounds for
nondeterministic communication complexity, we want to give a combinato-
rial characterization of this complexity measure. Recall that we proved lower