2.2 Some Important Algorithmic Problems 17
• The a-point rule: After each game a points are awarded (a ∈ N), and every
partition of a into b points for Team 1 and a − b points for Team 2 with
0 ≤ b ≤ a and b ∈ N is possible.
• The (0,a,b)-point rule: The only possibilities are b : 0 (home victory), a : a
(tie), and 0 : b.
In fact, in various sports, various point rules are used: the 1-point rule
is used in sports that do not permit ties (basketball, volleyball, baseball,
...). The 2-point rule (equivalent to the (0, 1, 2)-point rule) is the classic
rule in sports with ties (team handball, German soccer until the end of the
1994–95 season). The 3-point rule is used in the German Ice Hockey League
(DEL) which awards 3:0 for a regulation win, 2:1 for a win in overtime or
after penalty shots. The (0, 1, 3)-point rule is currently used in soccer. Further
variations arise if the remaining games are divided into rounds, and especially
if the games are scheduled as in the German soccer Bundesliga (see Bernholt,
G¨ulich, Hofmeister, Schmitt, and Wegener (2002)). This problem, of practical
interest to many sports fans, will also lead to surprising insights.
With the class of verification problems (see Wegener (2000)) we move into
the domain of hardware. The basic question is whether the specification S
and the realization R of a chip describe the same Boolean function. That is,
we have descriptions S and R of Boolean functions f and g and wonder if
f(a)=g(a) for all inputs a. Since we carry out the verification bitwise, we
can assume that f,g : {0, 1}
→{0, 1}. The property f = g is equivalent to
the existence of an a with (f ⊕ g)(a)=1(⊕ = EXOR = parity). So we are
asking whether h = f ⊕ g is satisfiable, i.e., whether h can output a value
of 1. This decision problem is called the satisfiability problem. Here the input
format for h is relevant:
assumes the input is represented as a circuit.
Sat = CNF-Sat = Sat
assumes the input is represented as a con-
junction of clauses (which are disjunctions of literals), i.e., in conjunctive
(normal) form.
DNF-Sat = Sat
assumes the input is represented as a disjunction of
monomials (which are conjunctions of literals), i.e., in disjunctive (normal)
Other representation forms will be introduced later. We will use k-
Sat to
denote the special case that all clauses have exactly k literals. For
Sat and
Sat there are also the optimization versions Max-Sat and Max-k-Sat,in
which the goal is to find an assignment for the variables that satisfies as many
of the clauses as possible, i.e., one that produces as many clauses as possible
in which at least one of the literals is assigned the value 1. These optimization
problems can no longer be motivated by verification problems, but they will
play a central role in the treatment of the complexity of approximation prob-
lems. In general, we shall see that, historically, new subareas of complexity
theory have always begun with the investigation of new satisfiability problems.