162 12 The PCP Theorem and the Complexity of Approximation Problems
Furthermore, Victoria will no longer be allowed two-sided error (as in interac-
tive proofs) but must work with one-sided error. Specifically,
co-RP-like errors
will be allowed, that is, error-probabilities of up to 1/2 for inputs that should
not be accepted. So far, the familiar characterizations of problems in
NP would
still be allowed, without even making use of randomness. Now, however, we
restrict Victoria’s access to the proof. The proof is hidden, and Victoria –
based on her knowledge of the input and her random bits – may compute a
limited number of positions and ask that the bits of the proof in those po-
sitions be revealed. Victoria’s access to the proof is non-adaptive: She must
compute all the positions she wishes to read before reading any of them.
Definition 12.1.1. For r, q : N → N,an(r(n),q(n))-bounded probabilistic
proof-checker is a polynomial time algorithm V . For an input x of length n
and a proof P (a 0-1 vector), the algorithm V has access to x and a random
vector r ∈{0, 1}
. On the basis of this information, V computes up to
O(q(n)) positions and receives as additional information the values of the bits
of the proof P in those positions. Finally, the decision V (x, r, P ) ∈{0, 1},
whether x should be accepted or not, is computed.
Since the verifier Victoria has only polynomially bounded computation
time, she can read at most polynomially many random bits and proof bits.
Therefore, we only consider polynomially bounded functions r (random bits)
and q (query bits). We extend the definition to allow for r and q to be the
constant function 0, and generalize our O-notation so that O(0) is interpreted
as 0. Using resource-bounded probabilistic proof checkers we can define com-
plexity classes analogous to the classes defined using interactive proof systems.
Definition 12.1.2. A decision problem L belongs to the complexity class
PCP(r(n),q(n)) (probabilistically checkable proofs with O(r(n)) random bits
and O(q(n)) query bits), if there is an (r(n),q(n))-bounded probabilistic proof
checker V with the following properties:
• If x ∈ L, then there is a proof P (x) such that
Prob(V (x, r, P (x)) = 1) = 1 .
• If x/∈ L, then for all proofs P ,
Prob(V (x, r, P )=0)≥ 1/2 .
Once again the error threshold of 1/2 is to a certain extent arbitrary. Since
constant factors don’t matter when counting the number of random bits or
the number of query bits, we can perform constantly many independent proof
attempts simultaneously. We accept an input only if this is the decision of all
these proof attempts. In this way we can reduce the error-probability from any
constant δ<1 to any constant ε>0. We will let
PCP(poly, q(n)) denote the
union of all
,q(n)) for k ∈ N; PCP(r(n),poly) is defined analogously.