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The "Free Tropospheric Aerosol" region is equal in
extent and properties to that in Profile I. Tropospheric
Profile III, MAR I, models a relatively clear maritime
The Maritime type aerosol exists in the boundary
layer with an optical depth of 0.05, leading to an extinction
coefficient of
Above it again, we have the "Free
Tropospheric Aerosol"up to 12 km. Tropospheric Profile IV
(CONT II), models a continental desert atmosphere under
conditions of fairly heavy haze. The desert planetary
boundary layer of the continental type extends up to 6 km
with an optical depth of 3.0, which, assuming a scale
height of 3 km, leads to an extinction coefficient at the
surface of 1.157 km"
. Above the desert haze layer, we
again have the "Free Tropospheric Aerosol" up to 12 km
with an optical depth of 0.015 and an extinction coefficient
of О.СЮ25 km . The Tropospheric Profile Number V (MAR II)
models a desert haze outbreak over the low latitude Atlantic
The planetary boundary layer extends up to 2 km
and contains a marine type haze, MAR I, like in Profile III.
However, above that marine haze, there is a continental type
aerosol layer from 2 to б km with an optical depth of 3,
similar to Profile IV, leading to an extinction coefficient
of 0.75 km""
. Above the desert haze layer, we again have a
with an optical depth of 0.015
and an extinction coefficient of
.A last Tropospheric
models average convective conditions, in
which the total optical depth up to 12 km is kept to 0.217
and a scale height of 1 km is introduced to keep most of
the aerosol in the boundary layer.
The particles in Model IV and V are not necessarily
extremely large. There is no specific "desert" aerosol model.
All large particle fractions of the "continental aerosols"
are modelled by the same "dust-like" component. Over the
desert this would not describe a sandstorm, but kind of a
steady-state dust
The aerosol over deserts shows large
variations in space and time of the refractive index,
depending on the source of the absorbing particles, their
length of stay in the atmosphere and their distance from
the source. No model is proposed for the time being for such
This task has to wait until one goes to a new
The boundary layer models, if combined with the
free troposphere model, expose strong discontinuities at
the top of the boundary layer. Though this is a simplifi-
such conditions sometimes exist under high pressure
conditions and are therefore not unrealsitic. For mean con-
vective situations, however, a more smooth distribution has
to be applied as offered by the СТА model.