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The starting point for this report was the U.S. Stan-
dard Atmosphere (1976) and the U.S. Standard Atmosphere
Much of this material had been published
in the Handbook of Geophysics and Space Environments (Valley,
Distributions of water vapor and ozone had been added
to these basic atmospheric models in order to construct the
models described by McClatchey et al
1978) which are
also published by Wolfe and Zissis (1978) and Driscol and
For the purposes here, only three of the origi-
nal six models have been adopted, representing one climato-
logical mean and two extremes. Other significant absorbing
gases had originally been assumed uniformly mixed at values
identified by McClatchey et al.
but the work of
provided a review leadihg to mixing ratios
which vary with altitude. More recent work has led to a re-
finement of these values and the results will be summarized
The aerosol models used here are based primarily on
the work of Shettle and Fenn
They described a large
number of aerosol models covering a wide variety of conditions
from sea level to the mesosphere. These models were developed
from many sources and the reader is referred to the Shettle
and Fenn reference for a complete list. There exist different
approaches to deal with the aerosols in radiation computations
(Toon and Pollack, 1976; Ivlev, 1967; Hanel and Bullrich, 1978;
Kondratyev and Pozdnyakov, 1981; Kondratyev, Moskalenko and
The ultimate choice of an aerosol m6del may
also depend on the algorithm used for radiation computations:
one or the other aerosoi model may be implemented more easily
in existing radiative transfer calculation- schemes. This
problem needs further attention and is not regarded as being
finalized at this time, though one procedure was selected for
comparative studies.
Radiative transfer in molecular absorption bands may
be treated by direct line-by-line computations or by applying
averaged transmission functions such as used in the AFGL LOWTRAN
scheme (McClatchey et al., 1973; Kneizys et al., 1980; Chedin
and Scott,
It is recommended that a current version of
the AFGL line-by-line compilation described by McClatchey et
Rothman et al. (1983a, b) or by Chedin (1980 a)
which are periodically updated should form the basis for all
parameterizations and ultimate accuracy of the presently
available data and computation procedures (International
Radiation Commission ad hoc Working Group on Remote Sensing