reservoir region. In October 2006, the reservoir water level reached
elevation 875.4m, 1.6m below normal storage level. The corre-
sponding reservoir volume was 900Mm
. In July 2006 and May
2007, the water level was lowered to elevation 820m. Before the
Wenchuan earthquake (30 April 2008), the reservoir water level was
at elevation 828.95m, the corresponding reservoir volume was
. From the statistics of the annual seismic activity of the reser-
voir obtained from the Department of Reservoir Earthquake Research
of the Sichuan Seismological Bureau, the frequency and intensity of
seismic activity after impounding of the Zipingpu reservoir was almost
unchanged before and after reservoir impounding. The recorded seis-
micity has also no relation with the reservoir water level variation.
This phen omenon is known as reservo ir-triggered seismicity
RTS). The main mechanism for RTS is the release of tectonic stress-
es due to changes in stress and stre n g th properties in fault planes
caused by the reservoir. This requires that the fault that can produce
an earthquake is already near to failure; so that the added weight or
pore pressure build up d u e to reservoir impounding can trigger a
seismic event. Seismic events can also be triggered by the collapse
of underground cavities in mining areas or liquid injection.
Reservoir-triggered seismicity has been considered in the dam engi-
neering community since 1935, when the first documented case of
RTS was cr eated at La ke Mead, the res ervoir at t he 220m high
Hoover arch dam in the US. Since then several strong earthquakes
in India, China, Greece and Zambia have occurred which are sus-
pected of being reservoir triggered. The maximum magnitude of an
RTS event that has been identified to date is 6.3. The exact number
of reservoir triggered cases is not known but ICOLD believes that
the number of accepted cases is today somewhere between 40 and
100. The relationship between reservoirs and seismicity continues
to be debated in the scientific community.
The increasing height of dams and size of reservoirs may con-
tribute to the possibility of earthquakes being triggered. ICOLD rec-
ommends that RTS needs to be considered for large dams over 100m
in height. ICOLD has also published a bulletin presenting the state
of knowledge on reservoirs and seismicity.
According to ICOLD recommendations, high hazard dams are
designed to safely withstand ground motions caused by the maxi-
mum credible earthquake (MCE). Therefore RTS seismicity is not a
direct safety problem for a well-designed dam as the maximum reser-
voir-trigge red earthquake cannot be stronger than the MCE.
However, RTS may still be a problem for other structures, buildings
and appurtenant works because they may have a much lower earth-
quake resistance than the dam.
Adequate monitoring of RTS prior, during an d after impound-
ment of a reservoir provides the most conclusive evide nce as to
whether or not water impoundment causes triggered earthquakes.
To help distinguish between background seismicity and RTS, mon-
itoring should start well in advance of impounding of the reservoir.
From the observational engineering viewpoint, the RTS cases are
characterized by the following main features, which can be used as
a checklist to determine if RTS is occurring:
• a) The seismic events monitored during and after impounding are
more frequent than the background seismicity before impounding.
• b) With the increase and larger oscillations of storage levels, the
frequency and magnitude of RTS phenomena increases.
• c) In most cases, the triggered events tend to be scaled down, after
peaking, towards ambient background activity.
• d) In a number of triggered cases, the observed intensity of shak-
ing sharply decreased with distance from the epicenters, which usu-
ally cluster around the reservoir. In most cases the activity starts
soon after the beginning of impounding and grows with reservoir
levels, restarting as a rule after quick changes in reservoir levels.
• e) It has been proposed to use as a diagnostic tool the relationship
between frequency and magnitude of seismic events, with more
smaller events indicating triggered seismicity, although this indi-
cator is considered controversial.
• f) It is considered that more triggered events are linked to normal
and strike slip faulting than to thrust faulting.
• g) Relatively shallow earthquakes are the most likely outcome of
RTS. But, this statement has to be understood as a general trend,
as significant exceptions are possible, as in the case of Aswan reser-
voir, where RTS phenomena were documented at a depth of 25km.
In the case of Zipingpu, on this basis the possibility of the Wenchuan
Earthquake being RTS is very unlikely.
Based on the recent observations made in China, the following con-
clusions can be drawn:
. Following a strong earthquake, the seismic hazard at dam sites
have to be increased and the seismic design guidelines have to be
reviewed and updated.
2. In mountainous regions large rockfalls have to be expected, which
hinder access to dams after an earthquake for many weeks and
months, and rockfall s can cause substantial damage to surface
powerhouses, gates, piers, and appurtenant structures.
3. The earthquake hazard has many features which are site-specif-
ic, therefore a standard approach in which emphasis is only put
on ground shaking is problematic.
4. The concrete face of CFRD dams are vulnerable to strong ground
shaking mainly due to large in-plane forces.
5. Seismic instrumentation is still lacking in most dams, even in large
modern dams.
6. Every time a strong earthquake occurs, new features show up
which have been overlooked in the past by dam engineers.
7. Methods for the assessment of slopes in steep valleys subjected to
very strong ground shaking need further development.
Martin Wieland, Chairman ICOLD Committee on Seismic
Aspects of Dam Design, Poyry Energy Ltd
Chen Houqun, Vice-Chairman, ICOLD Committee on
Seismic Aspects of Dam Design, Academician, China
Academy of Engineering, China Institute of Water
Resources and Hydropower Research, Beijing, China.
The photos showing the damage and repair works of the
concrete face of Zipingpu CFRD were obtained from Xu
Zeping of IWHR, Beijing
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