downstream, respectively, became the established conguration from
the research. Specic ows that can be passed by a PK Weir can range
from 3m
per m to 100m
per m, say designers. The new weir design
can pass at least four times the specic discharge of a classic (Creager)
weir for a relatively low overow depth.
Two main types of PK Weir were identied, those with: 1) chutes
overhanging on both the upstream and downstream sides; 2) a chute
overhanging only on the upstream side, and by longer distance. The
former can be used for specic ows of up to 20m
/sec per metre, and
the latter is considered of particular interest for large dams.
In comparison to the labyrinth weirs, the PK Weir is able to have a
smaller footprint on a dam body as both the channels and interven-
ing chutes overhang the structure. They have counter-sloping slabs
that cantilever upstream and downstream of the crest, which results
in a generally self-balancing structure. However, anchors are usually
added. The slabs have 2:1 slopes.
To achieve a level base for a PK Weir on an existing concrete grav-
ity dam, however, requires some demolition at the tip of the rounded
weir crest. In section, the length of the new base across the modied
dam crest needs to be between 1.5-2.0 that of the maximum height of
a thin wall forming the boundary of a typical channel/chute.
A typical PK Weir can have the total length of the circuitous chan-
nel walls being about six times that of the spillway width that houses
the device. The relationship of total wall length-to-spillway width is
known as the N ratio. Also typically, the spilling channels are wider
than the receiving chutes. The maximum depth of the channels is
about a quarter of their length.
Tests show that oating debris can be a hindrance to discharge
rates as with any type of spillway. However, reduction in the specic
outow is about 15% but lessens as discharge rates rise further. As
with many hydraulic structures the use of a oating boom has helped
minimise the interference.
Other loading that may need to be considered includes ice pressure
on the myriad walls in their snaking alignment. The structure, if con-
structed of reinforced concrete and not a steel fabrication, may need
extra rebars in such instances.
A further benet is that the PK Weir should be able to be con-
structed of local resources and does not require to be an imported
hydraulic structure.
Goulours Dam
In 2003, shortly after the PK Weir concept was generally made known,
EdF rapidly decided to test the concept at Goulours dam in the rst of
what was believed could become a series of upgrade projects.
The PK Weir concept was attractive for a variety of reasons,
explains EdF engineer Frederic Laugier, such as being able to increase
discharge capacity by providing high specic ow rates, the ability to
install them on existing concrete dams, and that relatively little main-
tenance would be needed. Further, the PK Weirs would also help to
raise the level, and therefore storage volume, in a reservoir.
Less than four years ago, EdF completed its rst PK Weir installa-
tion, at Goulours dam in south west France. The project started in
2003 and saw the basic concept tested for passing oating debris and
also adapted to the site needs in terms of geology, dam curvature and
constraints such as ice load, seismic load and concrete durability.
The Goulours dam was constructed in the early 1940s and is a
21m high concrete, single curvature arch gravity structure with a crest
length of 71m. Originally, the dam had only a central 4m by 4m gate
on a standard weir crest and a spillway down the face of the structure.
Laboratory tests with a 1/20 scale model showed the discharge capac-
ity to be 92m
/sec with a 1m nappe depth. However, the challenge
facing EdF was that the updated design ood is 162m
Options considered included changes to the operating level of the
reservoir, construction of another spillway – either gated, standard or
labyrinth – or installation of fuse gates, an a PK Weir. The latter was
selected for its minimum impact and cost, and reliability. And, to ensure
the ongoing reliability of the existing gate, it is always to be operated to
spill rst and the PK Weir – installed on the right bank – would only be
required for major oods exceeding the 25-year return period.
The PK Weir was inserted in a 12m long section of the dam though,
due to typography, it is not strictly on the crest. It has two chan-
nels and three chutes – the ve conduits (alveoli) were the optimum
arrangement to minimise construction costs associated with achieving
the same total length of walls as seven and nine conduits. The built
walls are 3m high and 200mm thick, and the sloping slab thicknesses
are 200mm-350mm. The weir follows the dam curvature.
The construction schedule was achieved for the weir to be suc-
cessfully tested at the end of 2006. The total project costs was Euro
Saint-Marc Dam
The development and operational success at Goulours gave the green-
light to further PK Weir installations in EdF’s portfolio where reha-
bilitation is needed due to insufcient discharge capacity.
EdF’s second PK Weir project was Saint-Marc dam, a late 1920s
structure near Limoges. The dam is a 40m-high concrete gravity
structure with two gates spillways, which have a combined capacity
ranging from 566m
/sec, according to EdF estimates. The
new design ood (1000 year) is 750m
The PK Weir is located between the existing gates and was com-
pleted in mid-2008 at a cost of Euro1.7M. It has been designed to
become operational after ows from the gates reach a total of 380m
sec, which equates to the 50-year return period event. The PK Weir
discharges – via its own unconventional “gutter ski-jump” half-length
spillway – into the main dissipation basin.
L’Etroit Dam
Another of EdF’s PK Weir projects is the L’Etroit dam, a 25m high
concrete gravity dam located upstream of Saint-Marc on the Taurion
river. It was built in the early 1930s with two gated spillways on the
right bank with a total discharge capacity of 456m
The latest hydrological studies have estimated the design ood
to be approximately 570m
/sec. However, only an additional ood
discharge capacity of 75m
/sec is needed because of the attenuation
benet of another dam upstream – the Roche-Talamie.
Among the already recognised benets EdF saw in the PK Weir
solution, the utility also placed great emphasis on reliability and
operational safety of the system due to the remoteness of the site and
potential access difculties.
However, this project took PK Weir design in a further development
step with the introduction of a raised wall. The resulting capacity of
the PK Weir at maximum operation level is 100m
/sec – which is a
third more than would otherwise be available, though that would meet
the required additional discharge capacity at the dam.
Upper view of a tested PK-Weir, trapezoidal shape, at the Laboratory of
Hydraulic Constructions