an in-situ placed concrete lining will be installed, and the final lining
will include a waterproofing membrane system to ensure that water
does not seep from the tunnel into the rock and cause swelling.
The Main Beam TBM, the largest hard rock TBM in the world,
was assembled onsite in under 12 months – ahead of a tight delivery
schedule. The onsite assembly is considered unprecedented for such a
large TBM. The TBM began boring in September 2006.
The Main Beam TBM is the also first ever to utilize back-loading
20-inch cutters, which increase cutter life and reduce cutter chang-
es in hard rock. Both 19-inch and 20-inch cutters can be installed
in the cutterhead. The machine has a cutterhead thrust of 18,462
kN (4,150,422 lb) and a maximum torque of 18,670,000 N-m
(13,770,285 lb-ft).
Following the completion of a planned outage on the TBM and
conveyor, and the delays caused by the fall of Queenston shale and a
small portion of the tunnel liner on 11 September, the TBM resumed
operation on 8 December. Since restarting, the TBM has advanced
39m (at the time of going to press) and is now at the 5457m point,
more than half way through the 10.2km journey.
Outage maintenance included TBM cutterhead repairs, modifications
to the dust filters and ventilation ducts, repair of the excavated material
conveyors and general maintenance on the other tunnelling equipment.
The invert concrete (bottom of the finished tunnel) is now being
installed and has advanced over 3000m. It is ahead of the target sched-
ule. Assembly of equipment that will be used to install the tunnel
arch (roof) is ongoing. Work on the intake structure, located at the
International Niagara Control Works, about 2km upstream from the
Horseshoe Falls also continues as planned. (www.robbinstbm.com)
Germany-based Aker Wirth delivers boring machines that are used in
the exploration, mining, construction and tunnelling industry as well
as in the construction of hydro power plants.
Aker Wirth’s history traces back to 1895 and the company entered
into international business early in the 19th century. At the end of the
sixties, TBM’s were added to the product portfolio.
In construction of hydro power plants, Aker Wirth’s TBM’s are
used for the excavation of tunnels which serve as penstock, headrace
tunnels, tailrace tunnels or access tunnels.
Tunnel boring machines for inclined boring were amongst the first
machines manufactured once the company started its TBM produc-
tion. A so-called back-stop device is the most important equipment
the machine needs to be furnished with. This device safely keeps the
TBM in its inclined position. Aker Wirth designs these devices for its
TBM in-house. Aker Wirth’s x-shaped gripper system provides sup-
port to the TBM during tunnel boring and has helped the machines
to achieve excellent performance in many projects worldwide, says
the company.
For horizontal boring, Aker Wirth designs open type TBMs
for excavation in hard rock and shielded TBMs for closed mode
excavation in unstable ground. The machines are furnished with
all equipment for the installation of the tunnel lining concurrently
with the boring.
For shaft boring, Aker Wirth’s full size shaft boring machines and
the company’s raise boring machines are well-recognized products in
the industry worldwide, says the company.
Aker Wirth’s TBMs have recently been used for boring in the Kops
II pumped storage project (Austria), Limberg II pumped storage
project (Austria) and in the Ermenek hydro power project (Turkey).
At present, the company designs and produces an 8m diameter TBM
for excavation of an inclined tunnel in the Linth-Limmern project
(Switzerland). This TBM will be used for the largest diameter inclined
bore to date. (www.akersolutions.com)
When working on tunnelling projects, waterproofing is obviously
a major issue. RASCOflex AY108 from Rascor is a versatile, envi-
ronmentally compatible, polyacrylate-based, modified 2-component
injection grout. A standard material, it can be used in most water-
proofing applications, whether for the remedial grouting of cracks
and joints or, in conjunction with the Rascotec injection systems, for
preventative waterproofing systems, says the company. Features of
the system include: stabilized gel; non-corrosive; high frost resistance;
no adhesion required to sides of joint/crack; very high reactive and
reversible swelling action.
Also from Rascor is the RASCOflex AY808, which is especially
suited for works in tunnelling or specialised underground engineer-
ing works, which require a large volume of material, for instance the
filling the cavities, backing injections or ground injections. Features
of this system include: reactive and reversible swelling action; suitable
for use in humid and wet environment; suitable for every mineral
basis; stabilized Polyscrylate suited for use in large volumes.
The company also offers the RASCOtec injection channel, which
is fitted with a flexible foam insert that enables it to lie flat over any
base. The system is suitable for waterproofing all types of construc-
tion joint in general building and civil engineering works.
Features include easy fixing, 25mm wide contact surface over joint,
no obstruction to steelfixing or formwork erection, may be worked as
wood, multi grouting possible, remains flexible in the cold, and offers
weather independent installation. (www.rascor.com)
There are many who look back with happy memories at the time
when one could playfully build a technical world with the toy
construction kit. This idea and the experience gained from many
civil engineering projects have been sources of inspiration for Peri,
which has developed Variokit – a versatile construction kit with
rentable, standardized components for numerous requirements in
civil engineering.
The benefits of the Variokit formwork carriage include: few anchors
required in wall areas due to system walers up to U 200; simple
modifications for different cross-sections; optionally available hydrau-
lic support for shuttering and striking as well as lifting and lowering;
self-propelling or mobile solutions for moving complete units.
All components can be optimally adapted says the company: the
HD 200 heavy-duty prop allows continuous height adjustment and
grid-free longitudinal arrangement; the RCS slab beam can be flexibly
adapted; and the Variokit diagonal strut is continuously usable from
4m to 9m.
The extremely high loads carried by a tunnel formwork car-
riage during mined operations present a special challenge for Peri
Variokit. In order to effectively manage the forces and, at the same
time, provide construction site traffic an access portal, the Variokit
with anchoring components combination is supplemented with the
SB brace frame system.
For smaller tunnel lengths (< 40 cycles) with short section lengths
(< 20m) and tight construction schedules (< 12 months), solutions
using rentable parts are considerably more cost-effective than com-
plete project solutions with special steel components.
For tunnels constructed using mining techniques, the formwork is
designed whilst considering ancillary conditions which are, in part,
not compatible: large loads resulting from the fresh concrete pressure
and dead weight; low individual weights due to tight space conditions
during assembly and operations; minimum of material costs from
high proportion of rental parts and small quantities; few operating
elements and optimally adapted to suit construction progress; and
simple operation of large units.
The system has a wide range of components, and components
which have a mutual function are put together in groups. For exam-
ple, a group consisting of heavy duty rollers or elements for lifting,
lowering or moving.
Fundamental details such as scaffold tube connector as side pro-
tection is taken into consideration just as much as technical working
requirements (e.g. concreting stud).
Also optimal additional components like the drive mechanism,
electrical or hydraulic components are part of the wide range of pos-
sibilities provided by the Variokit, says Peri. (www.perime.com)