Here you will find details on some of the executive appointments made by companies within the hydro power and dams industry
over the past few months. To submit details of appointments for publication in a future issue of the magazine,
please send an email to the editor, Carrieann Stocks, at:
US Bureau of Reclamation
names Pacific Northwest
Regional Director
B u r e a u o f
Re c l a m a t i on
M i c h a e l L .
C o n n o r h a s
n a m e d K a r l
W i r k u s a s
the new Regional Director for
Reclamation’s Pacific Northwest
Region, effective 5 April 2010.
W i r k u s h a s s e r v e d a s
R e c l a m a t i o n ’ s D e p u t y
Commissioner for Operations
since 2007, where he oversaw
the operations in Reclamation’s
fi v e re g io n s, t he T e ch n ic a l
Service Center, Research and
Development Office, the Native
Am e rican and Inte r national
Affairs Office, Power Liaison,
and Dam Safety Officer/Design,
Estimating, Construction.
Wirkus began his Reclamation
career in 1981 in the Pacific
Northwest Region’s Geology
Branch and subsequently served
as a project geologist for dam
safety modifications as well as
construction manager for dam
safety projects in southwest-
ern Montana and Idaho. He
became the Area Manager for the
Klamath Basin Area Office begin-
ning in 1996. Prior to coming to
Washington in the role of Deputy
Commissioner, Wirkus served as
Deputy Regional Director in the
Pacific Northwest Region’s head-
quarters in Boise, Idaho, repre-
senting Reclamation in complex
negotiati ons on Endan gered
Species Act issues and provid-
ing support in all other regional
Wirkus graduated from Boise
State University in 1984 with a
Bachelors Degree in geology.
The Pacific Northwest Region
encompasses the Columbia River
Basin and coastal watersheds of
Oregon and Washington.
New Board of Directors for
Intertechne Consultores
On 1 March 2010, Eng. Brasil
Pinheiro Machado was appoint-
ed Chairman of Intertechne
Consultores Associados’s Board of
The new board is now formed by:
President-Director – Eng. Antonio
Fernando Krempel; Technical
Vice-President – Eng. Lourenço J.
Naotake Babá; Operations Vice-
President – Eng. Jorge Campiteli
Ferreira; Market Development
Director - Eng. Carlos Infante
da Câmara Teixeira; Business
Development Director – Eng.
Paulo César Akashi; Finances and
Administration Director – Adm.
Luiz Fernando Carvalho Teixeira;
Water and Energy Technical
Director – Eng. José Franco
Pinheiro Machado; and Oil and
Gas Operations Director – Eng.
Vendolino Fischer.
Management changes in
On 12 April, Øystein Løseth
assumed the position as CEO of
Vattenfall. Øystein Løseth was until
recently CEO of the Dutch energy
company Nuon, which was incor-
porated in the Vattenfall Group on
1 July 2009.
Øystein Løseth (51) is civil engi-
neer graduated from Trondheim.
He has worked in the energy indus-
try for almost 25 years, starting
at Norwegian Statoil in 1984 and
later working at both Statkraft and
Naturkraft before joining Nuon
in 2003 as managing director of
Sourcing and Trading. Five years
later, in 2008, he was appointed
CEO of Nuon.
“Øystein Løseth has a very
extensive and long experience from
the energy industry. He has man-
aged Nuon in a very successful
way and with very good results.
Øystein is therefore the perfect
choice to lead the company and
continue it’s development”, said
Lars Westerberg, Chairman of the
Board of Vattenfall.
Lars G. Josefsson is now retiring
after ten years as CEO of Vattenfall.
During his years in the company
Vattenfall has grown from a turno-
ver of SEK 32B to more than SEK
205B. Business has expanded to
seven countries and a total of SEK
45B has been distributed to the
owner, the Swedish state.
“Lars G. Josefsson has made a
massive effort and transformed
Vattenfall from a Nordic com-
pany to one of the largest energy
companies in Europe, operating in
seven countries. During his time as
CEO he has also become interna-
tionally recognized as devoted to
the topic of climate change, and
as a strong advocate for a global
price on carbon emissions”, says
Lars Westerberg.
In other news, the Supervisory
Board of Vattenfall Europe AG
has appointed Stefan Dohler as
new member of the Management
Board of Vattenfall Europe AG
responsible for Finance. From 1
April 2010 he replaced Dr. Hans-
Jürgen Meyer, who will leave the
Do h ler ha s been Head of
the Business Unit responsible
for Vattenfall’s distribution
a n d tr a n s m i s s i o n gr i d s i n
Germany and Poland. He was
also Commercial Manager of
the distribution grid companies
in Germany. Together with his
new position he will retain his
function as Head of the Business
Unit until 30 April 2010.
Dohler’s successor from 1 May
2010 will be Dr. Helmar Rendez
who has been the Head of Strategy
at Vattenfall AB in Stockholm.
In the future, Vattenfall’s high-
est executive body, the Executive
Group Management (EGM),
will be streamlined, and Tuomo
Ha t a k k a , Head of Business
Group Central Europe, will be the
sole representative from the said
Business Group in the EGM.
Halcrow announces new
senior team
Halcrow non-executive chair-
man Tony Pryor has announced
the appointment of Yaver Abidi,
Alasdair Coates and Michael Della
Rocca to Halcrow’s board.
Commenting on the appoint-
ments, he said: “Yaver, Alasdair
and Michael will provide Halcrow’s
board with the additional experi-
ence we need to help us deal with
the many challenges we face as we
work towards the achievement of
Halcrow’s long-term goals. Each
one will bring a fresh perspective
to the company’s senior manage-
ment team”
He continues: “Their appoint-
ments are a central feature of the
board’s succession plan. With a
number of current members reach-
ing retirement age in the next 12
to 24 months, our intention is to
have an appropriate period of
overlap between new and retiring
directors in order to ensure conti-
nuity, and to minimise disruption
to the running of the business.
“Our aim is to have a board
which becomes similar in size to
the present one, but which has
benefitted from a blend of fresh
thinking and experience.”
The board of Halcrow Holdings
Limited, operating as ‘Halcrow’
and delivery;
ment and corporate reputation;
ment and implementation;
director (new member);
UÊ >Ã`>ÀÊ >ÌiÃÊ qÊ >>}}Ê
director, transportation (new
and regional managing director,
North America (new member);
For the foreseeable future, Yaver,
Alasdair and Michael, while
taking on the responsibilities of
group board directors, will also be
continuing with their current roles
and responsibilities.