Rationale and history of vehicle noise and vibration refi nement 13
© Woodhead Publishing Limited, 2010
The second stage is target cascading which subdivides the top-level design
goals into system, subsystem and individual component goal levels. This
stage relies heavily on CAE tools to defi ne all of the vehicle components
with individual target loads and constraints in a digital model. There may
be several iterations as the targets are interpreted for each layer of design.
There are many trade-offs to be determined with different criteria for
safety, performance, NVH, durability and other disciplines.
The third stage is synthesis where the designs for individual components
and sub-assemblies are completed using a variety of computer aided design
(CAD) tools. This stage utilizes CAE tools to generate virtual test results
which may require modifi cation to the initial target values and thus addi-
tional trade-offs. These tools typically allow for analysis and prediction of
expected results that can be compared to the target data values previously
established. One goal of this stage is to identify these necessary trade-offs
before committing to specifi c product design, thus accelerating the overall
design process. This stage is therefore referred to as ‘virtual testing’ as
various design levels can be tested with computer simulation methods prior
to the manufacture of any prototype physical parts. The sequence of the
virtual testing process is component, sub-assembly, sub-system and the full
vehicle. The design goals at each level are thus validated with corresponding
virtual tests at each level.
The fourth stage is confi rmation by physical testing where prototype
parts, sub-systems and systems are subsequently evaluated and validated in
a similar sequence to the virtual testing process until the complete vehicle
is ready for fi nal evaluation. Each activity within the physical testing stage
results in additional data that can be used to validate computer models.
The continuous feedback may require additional changes to the target
levels and vehicle design parameters.
The hybrid simulation is also used to set targets for vehicle development
in the ‘V’ approach. The process starts with full-vehicle performance targets
that are cascaded down to requirements for sub-systems (drivetrain, chassis,
suspension, etc.), and fi nally to components (bushings, mounts, struts, etc.).
Hardware is then designed, built and assembled into a prototype vehicle in
the bottom part of the ‘V’ where physical testing usually leads to several
redesign cycles to iron out problems. In this ‘V’ approach, most car compa-
nies use simulation tools such as Finite Element Analysis (FEA) to help
speed the process after CAD has defi ned the geometry of sub-systems,
assemblies and parts. By that time, important design decisions have been
made and considerable time and expense are required for any reconfi gura-
tion. This problem can be eliminated with function-driven design that
aims to accurately establish functional performance requirements through
target setting, much earlier in the process before the detailed design has
started. This eliminates the repetitive build–test–redesign cycles later in
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