Vehicle vibration measurement and analysis 53
© Woodhead Publishing Limited, 2010
the integration at the point of recording the signal. These often become
unreliable for double integration of acceleration, limiting signal-to-noise
ratio and suffering from DC drift.
For simple harmonic motion analysed in the frequency domain, the inte-
gral may be obtained by dividing the amplitude of a spectral component by
iω where i is the square root of −1 and ω = 2πf (f is the frequency in Hz).
3.8.4 Assessing vibration levels – human response
to vibration
Two ISO standards deal with the human response to vibration. They are:
• ISO 2631 Part 1 (1985) – Mechanical Vibration and Shock: Evaluation
of Human Exposure to Whole Body Vibration – Part 1: General
• ISO 5349 (1986) – Mechanical Vibration Guidelines for the Measurement
of Human Exposure to Hand-transmitted Vibration.
The ISO 2631 Part 1 (General Requirements) offered user-friendly guid-
ance on the effects of vibration acceleration amplitude (1–80 Hz). Three
boundaries are given for various exposure periods between 1 minute and
24 hours. These are:
• Reduced comfort boundary
• Fatigue-decreased profi ciency boundary
• Exposure limits (for health and safety).
The boundaries often still form part of contemporary performance specifi -
cations for vehicles. Part 1 of ISO 2631 was revised in 1997. The guidance
on safety, performance and comfort boundaries was removed. In its place,
there are the following:
• The main body of the text describes a means of measuring a weighted
rms acceleration according to:
at t
where a
(t) is the weighted acceleration time history in m/s
, and T is
the duration in seconds.
• Different weightings are given for health, comfort perception, the dif-
ferent axes and the position of the human subject (standing, seated and
A weighting W
is used for assessing the effects of vibration on the
comfort and perception of a standing person with vertical acceleration in
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