ook projects, like compulsive borrowers, accumulate many debts,
and this brief history has been no exception to that rule. It is not
possible to thank here by name the many people in my work and home
lives who have been inconvenienced in one way or another by the
demands of both the fi rst and second editions of this project. But I am
grateful to all for their sympathy, support, and generally high level of
restraint. I would, however, especially like to thank my husband, Ned,
and our daughter, Sita. They have been as inconvenienced as anyone
by this project over the years it has gone on and yet have remained
remarkably good humored about it.
A number of people have helped me with specifi c parts of this proj-
ect, and I would especially like to thank them here. Lucy Bulliet read
an early draft of the fi rst chapters and several subsequent versions since
then. I am grateful for her insightful comments and observations and for
the general fun of those discussions. Lucy also provided the fi ne transla-
tion of the Rig-Vedic verse that opens the fi rst chapter, for which I am
also very grateful. I also want to thank Phillip Oldenburg for his gener-
ous loan of election slides for the book and Ron Ellis in Derby, United
Kingdom, for his help in obtaining an old image of the Writers’ Building
in Calcutta. At Facts On File, Claudia Schaab, executive editor, and
Melissa Cullen-DuPont, associate editor, have contributed many insights,
suggestions, and great editorial feedback over the past years. I am grate-
ful for all their help—and for their patience (or at least restraint) when I
missed my deadlines.
At my college, SUNY at Old Westbury, I owe a special debt of grati-
tude to Patrick O’Sullivan, provost and vice president of academic affairs.
Without Patrick’s early support and encouragement, I could never have
thought of undertaking this project. I also very much appreciate the
good humor and support of my colleague, Anthony Barbera in Academic
Affairs, and the chair of my department, Ed Bever, as I repeatedly missed
meetings to fi nish the second edition.
As in the fi rst edition, my special thanks here go to Ainslie Embree.
Over the many years of thanking Ainslie in print and in person for his
help, thoughts, comments, criticisms, and friendship, I have (almost)
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