Sikhism 76, 88, 90, 91, 94, 151, 174
Sikh kingdom 113, 117, 122–123
Sikhs 182, 209
after independence 227–228
effects of “divide and rule”
on 216
festivals and holidays 291–292
I. Gandhi’s assassination 249
government and politics 113,
209, 211, 214, 219, 236,
243–244, 291, 311
partition and 221, 227–228
population 285
in the Punjab 251
riots and 218
Simla 134, 182–183, 184–185
Simon, John 202–203
Sind(h) 17, 54, 70, 80, 83, 91, 101,
117, 214, 219
Singh, Ajit 254
Singh, Beant 249
Singh, Chaudhuri Charan 175,
242, 254
Singh, Hari 220
Singh, Kalyan 261
Singh, Manmohan 308, 309, 326–
327, 358c
on aborting of female fetuses
economic policies of 258–259,
314, 327
farmer suicides 317
as fi rst non-Hindu prime min-
ister 311
poverty programs 331–333
Singh, Ranjit 113, 117
Singh, Satwant 249
Singh, Vishwanath Pratap (V. P.)
Sino-Indian War of 1962 232
Sirajuddaula 103–104
Sita 289
“Sky-clad” sect (Jainism) 38
Slave (Mamluk) dynasty 78, 79, 80
slavery, women and 43
Slumdog Millionaire (fi lm) xii,
slums 237, 241, 266, 270, 287–288
smrti 24
smuggling 241
Soan River Valley 5–6
Social Conference movement 162,
social reform 146–152, 162,
168–170, 178. See also specifi c
association or reform
socialism 195, 204, 216, 223–224,
228, 298
Socialist Independence for India
League 204
Society for Participatory Research in
Asia (PRIA) 323
Society for the Encouragement of
Widow Remarriage 149
soft drink industry 320–322
Soma 30
Somnath, temple at 70, 72
soul. See atman
South Africa, Gandhi in 187–189
south India 50–52, 71–74, 81. See
also specifi c location
bhakti in 74, 75–76, 78
birth groups and 63
Christian communities in 54
housing 268
language and writing 36, 45
temples built 57
trade 51–52
upward caste mobility in 297
Soviet Union. See USSR (Union of
Soviet Socialist Republics)
spinning and weaving 115–116, 129,
196–198, 200, 209
spinning wheel 196, 200
SRB. See “sex–ratio at birth” (SRB)
Sri Lanka 47, 50, 54, 74, 88,
252–253, 257
Sridharan, E. 275
sruti 24
St. Mary’s Church (Madras) 133
states 109–110, 117–119, 225,
227, 238–241, 323–324. See also
princely states; specifi c state
Steel, Flora Annie 131–132, 134
steel industry 129–130, 180
Stein, Burton 42
sterilization 241
stone age communities 5–6
Story of My Experiments with Truth,
The (Gandhi) 199
Strachey, John 166, 169
Stribodh 154
banning of 241
against landlords 193
peasant 198
railway 240
Rowlatt Acts 190
textile industry 208
Tilak’s imprisonment 183–184
student protests 179, 183, 216,
255, 256
stupas 55–56, 57
Subhadra 57
Sudas 76–77
Suez Canal 126, 128, 132
Sufi sm 68, 88, 92
suicide 255, 256, 317–318
sultans/sultanates 78–82. See also
specifi c sultan/sultanate
Sunni Muslims 68, 92
Supreme Court 225, 251, 252, 259,
306, 324
surveys. See also census
archaeological 7, 72
geographical 127
household 273–275
land revenues and 87, 155
poverty 331–332
Surya 25, 30, 57, 59
swadeshi 179–180, 183, 184
swaraj 165, 183, 184, 194, 204. See
also self-rule
Swarup, Vikas 287
Swat Valley 3, 6, 17, 23
Swatantra Party 235, 240
swayamsevaks 245, 260, 292
symbols. See Indus script; signs and
Syndicate, the 233, 234, 235, 236
Syrian Christians 54
Tagore, Debendranath 147, 148,
Tagore, Dwarkanath 140, 141
Tagore, Gaganendranath 153
Tagore, Rabindranath 153, 191
Taj Mahal 92, 93
Tamil 97
bhakti in 75–76, 78
farms and farming 74
legends and myths 71
non-Brahman movement 205,
songs 74, 75, 78
Tamil language 36, 45, 51, 52, 54,
227, 306
Tamil Nadu
festivals and holidays 290
R. Gandhi’s assassination in 257
government and politics 251–
253, 257, 258, 295
language and writing 227
non-Brahman movement 205,
296, 297
population 266
religion and beliefs 244,
riots 261
water disputes in 320
Tamil Tigers 252–253, 257
Tantia Tope 122
Tara Bai 95
Tariff Board 200
Tata, J. N. 129–130
Tata Iron and Steel Company
(TISCO) 129–130, 180
taxation. See also land revenues
East India Company and 105,
106–107, 109, 113–114
non-Muslims and 81, 85, 86,
87, 94
Salt March 206–209, 207
Taxila 29, 48
technology 14, 26, 28, 29, 119, 129,
250. See also industrialization;
telegraphs 119
Telegu language 227
television 250, 288. See also specifi c
government and politics 276,
282–283, 286, 290, 292
middle-class and 271–272, 274
popular culture and 264, 275,
276–277, 292
urban life and 266
temples 58–59, 64, 77–78, 148. See
also Ramjanmabhoomi (Rama’s
birthplace/Babri Masjid mosque)
campaign; specifi c temple
destruction of 57, 69, 72, 80
looting of 70
rebuilding of 87
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