but it is arguable whether any Mesozoic
ice masses were large enough to exert
a significant glacio-eustatic control on
sea level.
Although Milankovitch periodicity
cannot be proven to control these
Cretaceous sea level cycles, there
persuasive evidence for climatically
productivity cycles
with Milan-
kovitch periods preserved in Mesozoic
pelagic sediments (Fischer, 1986;
Kemper, 1987; Herbert and
1 990).
We are therefore presented with a
dilemma. Does the
geological evidence
of rapid sea level oscillations in the
Mesozoic force us to accept the pre-
sence of continental ice, or are other
mechanisms available? One possibility
involves Milankovitch-scale, climatically
controlled changes in the volume of
groundwater stored on continents. This
mechanism appears to be capable of
producing about 10 to 20 m of eustatic
change over periods of only
years (Hay and Leslie, 1990).
In this regard, it is pertinent to note
the eustatic effects of human activities.
Although present-day sea level has
been rising at the rate of 1.6-2
for the last several decades (Douglas,
1991), it is far from clear whether this is
the result of natural processes or
thropogenic global warming (which
results in both steric expansion of the
ocean and melting of polar ice caps). A
largely overlooked factor involves the
construction of reservoirs. At present
there are over 10,000 reservoirs on
Earth, containing about 10,000 km3 of
water. This corresponds to a
global sea
lwel of about 30 mm, at a
rate of about 0.7
mrntyr over the last 40
years (Chao, 1991). Despite the nega-
tive eustatic effect of human water
storage systems, global sea level is
rising. This raises the alarming possi-
bility that the
rate of sea level rise
is in fact even higher than that mea-
sured today (Chao, 1991).
The Exxon sea level curve is here to
although it is likely to undergo pro-
gressive evolution and refinement as
more data are gathered and better
chronostratigraphic control becomes
available. For example, Mitchum and
Van Wagoner (1991) and Plint (1991)
have suggested that third-order se-
quences are in fact built up of
order sequences, each of which yields
evidence for deposition during a cycle
of relative sea level rise and fall. It
is likely that these high-frequency
(fourth-order) sea level cycles will be in-
creasingly widely recognized, and this
recognition will spur efforts to explain
their driving mechanism. Nevertheless,
it will remain a major challenge to corre-
late these cycles on a more than re-
gional scale, although this will be
necessary if a eustatic control is to be
Despite the recent emphasis on
global cycles of sea level change, the
interpretation of cyclic sedimentary suc-
cessions, particularly those repre-
senting relatively short periods of time,
must take into account the possible in-
fluence of
mechanisms, such
as delta-switching.
Allocyclic controls
such as tectonic uplift or subsidence of
the basin
andlor hinterland, and fluctua-
tions in sediment supply, such as might
result from climatic changes, may also
result in pronounced depositional
rhythms. Demonstration of a
control on deposition must be based on
the recognition of
level changes (but not necessarily in-
volving changes of similar
in several basins, preferably on dif-
ferent continents. In order to do this, ex-
cellent regional biostratigraphic and
allostratigraphic control (probably in-
volving both subsurface and outcrop
data), is needed. Where sections are
widely scattered and correlation uncer-
tain, attention should focus on detailed
facies analysis and interpretation of
depositional environments, pro-
cesses and
sea level changes.
We thank the Natural Sciences and
Engineering Research Council of
Canada for continuing support of our
Basic sources of information
Devoy, R.J.N., ed., 1987a, Sea surface
studies, a global view: New York,
Croom Helm, 649 p.
Emphasizes studies of Pleistocene to
Recent sea level changes.
Miall, A.D., 1990, Principles of sedimentary
basin analysis: New York,
Verlag, 668 p.
presents a concise review of
the main mechanisms thought
be re-
sponsible for stratigraphic cycles related
to sea level change.
Revelle, R., ed., 1990, Sea level change:
National Research Council, Studies in
Geophysics, Washington, D.C., National
Academy Press, 234 p.
One of the most up to date summaries
of processes of sea level change, and
the record
past changes.
Wilgus, C.K., Hastings, B.S., Posamentier,
H.W., Ross, C.A. and Kendall, C.G.
St.C., eds., 1988, Sea level changes: an
integrated approach: Society of Eco-
nomic Paleontologists and Mineralo-
gists, Special Publication 42, 407 p.
Collection of papers emphasizing con-
ceptual basis of sequence stratigraphy
(read with a critical eyel) plus numerous
case studies of sea level change from
the geological record.
Other references
Bard, E., Hamelin, B. and Fairbanks, R.G.,
1990, U-Th ages obtained by mass
spectrometry in corals from Barbados;
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Berger, A.L., Loutre, M.F. and Dehant, V.,
1989, Influence of the changing lunar
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Boardman, D.R.,
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Late Pennsylvanian sequence in
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Boreen, T. and Walker, R.G., 1991,
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Willesden Green area,
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bility of fathoming eustasy from the
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324, p. 137-140.