become aperiodically inundated by
ponded floodwaters that slowly evap-
orate, precipitating a saline crust.
Complete desiccation gives rise to a
salt pan (with an area perhaps only
1/100th of that originally inundated)
fringed by a saline mud flat or wide dry
mud flats. The Lake Eyre Basin of
Australia is the largest example of this
dune field
association. Ancient examples
include part of the Lower Permian
Rotliegendes of northern Europe, and
Devonian halites associated with
redbeds in the Lower Elk Point Group
of western Canada.
4. Lake Chad (north-central Africa)
is a shallow but freshwater lake sur-
rounded by eolian dune fields with
small interdune saline pans and saline
mud flats. The lake is fed by perennial
rivers. It is the only Recent example of
perennial stream
perennial lake
dune field
Saline pans, or perennial lakes di-
rectly fed by groundwater occur in old
channel systems, hollows on glacial
sediments, and in karst depressions.
The preservation potential of these de-
posits is low.
Groundwater source
In the basic model groundwaters move
radially from the hinterland, converging
toward the basin centre (which also
marks the hydrographic low
point of the
basin). Flow is assumed to be hori-
zontal and shallow subsurface. This
produces a concentric pattern of in-
creasing groundwater salinity and a
"bull's eye" pattern of salt deposition
(more saline salts in the centre, Fig.
33). However, when the deepest part of
the basin floor is not centrally located,
or when groundwater enters the basin
predominantly from one side, this ideal
pattern is disturbed and becomes
There is a tendency for less mineral
segregation to occur in river-fed than in
groundwater-fed playa systems. Brine
compositions in lakes fed by perennial
streams are less affected by prior pre-
cipitation of less saline salts (in periph-
eral playa flats). River waters retain
their carbonate and sulphate content,
and low-solubility salts precipitate within
the lake. In solely
water-fed pans, less soluble con-
stituents are retained on surrounding
flats, and pan salts are dominated by
more soluble salts, and can be
Extrinsic controls on continental
evaporite facies
Except for basins that might be inun-
dated or isolated, continental evaporites
are unaffected by sea level changes.
The most important extrinsic control
is climate. The history of present-day
and many ancient playa lake com-
plexes has been one of alternating wet
and dry conditions, with corresponding
transgressive, freshened,
precipitating lakes, and regressive
(shrinking) saline lake or saline pan
stages. Variations between arid and
less arid conditions cause replacement
of perennial lakes by salt pans or even
dry mud flats, lake levels to rise and fall,
lake margins to expand and contract,
the amount of clastic sediment to vary,
and water chemistry to change.
During prolonged episodes of aridity,
groundwater tables may be lowered
such that ephemeral lakes (saline
pans) drain, convert to dry mud flats
and perhaps are encroached upon by
aeolian dunes. Lessened aridity, on
the other hand, is marked by partial or
complete dissolution of earlier-formed
salts, by deposition of basal transgres-
sive conglomerates and beach de-
posits over former playa flat deposits,
and by deposition of nonsaline
trine sediments, amongst which oil
shales may be conspicuous.
The effects of climate change are
not straightforward in perennial lakes
that occupy topographically subdi-
vided depressions. Different
basins may develop opposite sedi-
mentary sequences. Where lakes
have asymmetric water supply and a
lowered brine level (such as Great
Salt Lake in Utah) the sub-basin still
fed by a perennial river becomes less
saline. This is because the inflow, al-
though diminished, now dilutes a
smaller volume of lake brine. In con-
trast, sub-basins now cut off from
inflow, desiccate and become more
saline. These opposite sequences are
caused by the same environmental
change, a lowered water level, pro-
duced by increased aridity.
Increased sediment supply, caused
by tectonism and climatic changes,
dilutes evaporite accumulation. Salt
pan and perennial lake deposits (com-
posed of salt crusts) are thereby re-
placed by clastic muds containing
placive evaporite crystals.
Models for coastal sabkhas, marginal
marine salinas and for ancient large
evaporites are discussed.
Coastal sabkhas
These supratidal areas (Fig. 4C) are
described in Chapter 16. They may
merge insensibly landward with con-
tinental sabkhas (playas), and land-
ward parts of coastal sabkhas are
affected by continental groundwaters.
Thus evaporites typical of nonmarine
(e.g., trona) can be emplaced
within marine-derived sediments.
Coastal sabkhas are products of
both depositional and diagenetic pro-
cesses, the most important being the
emplacement of early diagenetic cal-
cium sulphate, less commonly of
halite. Indigenous sediments reflect
the offshore sediment mosaic, but
may contain substantial amounts of
detrital sediment from the hinterland.
Offshore sediments are washed over
the sabkha surface during storms that
episodically inundate seaward parts.
Groundwaters beneath sabkhas
become more concentrated toward
sabkha interiors, and all but the very
seaward and landward margins may
be halite saturated. Concentration
occurs by evaporation from the capil-
lary fringe and by dissolution of
earlier-formed evaporites (particularly
halite). Evaporative losses are replen-
ished by downward seepage of
driven floodwaters and/or by gradual
intrasediment flow, fluxing either from
the seaward margin or from a conti-
nental reservoir that affects landward
parts of the sabkha (Patterson and
Kinsman, 1981). The water table in-
clines seaward but brine migration is
slow. Movement is limited by the low
permeability of the predominantly
muddy sediments and by permeability
barriers such as buried algal mats
(Bush, 1973) and cemented layers
et al.,
1980). These subdi-
vide the sabkha sedimentary prism
into hydrologic zones. Vertical move-
ment of groundwaters only occurs
where these barriers are broken.
Sabkhas that widen as a result of
coastal progradation have a charac-
teristic sedimentary sequence (Figs.