V. Lifschitz, L. Morgenstern, D. Plaisted 25
be discussed later), looking for a proof of the empty clause. Formally, such provers
generate R
(S), R
(S), R
(S), and so on, until for some i, R
(S) = R
empty clause is generated. In the former case, S is satisfiable. If the empty clause is
generated, S is unsatisfiable.
Even though DPLL essentially constructs a resolution proof, propositional reso-
lution is much less efficient than DPLL as a decision procedure for satisfiability of
formulas in the propositional calculus because the total number of resolutions per-
formed by a propositional resolution prover in the search for a proof is typically much
larger than for DPLL. Also, Haken [107] showed that there are unsatisfiable sets S
of propositional clauses for which the length of the shortest resolution refutation is
exponential in the size (number of clauses) in S. Despite these inefficiencies, we intro-
duced propositional resolution as a way to lead up to first-order resolution, which has
significant advantages. In order to extend resolution to first-order logic, it is necessary
to add unification to it.
1.3.2 First-Order Proof Systems
We now discuss methods for partially deciding validity. These construct proofs of
first-order formulas, and a formula is valid iff it can be proven in such a system. Thus
there are complete proof systems for first-order logic, and Gödel’s incompleteness
theorem does not apply to first-order logic. Since the set of proofs is countable, one
can partially decide validity of a formula A by enumerating the set of proofs, and
stopping whenever a proof of A is found. This already gives us a theorem prover, but
provers constructed in this way are typically very inefficient.
There are a number of classical proof systems for first-order logic: Hilbert-style
systems, Gentzen-style systems, natural deduction systems, semantic tableau systems,
and others [87]. Since these generally have not found much application to automated
deduction, except for semantic tableau systems, they are not discussed here. Typically
they specify inference rules of the form
which means that if one has already derived the formulas A
, then one
can also infer A. Using such rules, one builds up a proof as a sequence of formulas,
and if a formula B appears in such a sequence, one has proved B.
We now discuss proof systems that have found application to automated deduc-
tion. In the following sections, the letters f, g, h, . . . will be used as function symbols,
a,b,c,...as individual constants, x, y, z and possibly other letters as individual vari-
ables, and = as the equality symbol. Each function symbol has an arity, which is
a non-negative integer telling how many arguments it takes. A term is either a vari-
able, an individual constant, or an expression of the form f(t
) where f
is a function symbol of arity n and the t
are terms. The letters r,s,t,... will denote
Clause form
Many first-order theorem provers convert a first-order formula to clause form before
attempting to prove it. The beauty of clause form is that it makes the syntax of first-
order logic, already quite simple, even simpler. Quantifiers are omitted, and Boolean