1002 Subject Index
simulation-based diagnosis, 426
situated automata, 906
situation, 217, 230–232, 649, 898
situation assessment, 398, 436
situation calculus, 649, 650, 684, 870
size of spatial region, 568
skeptical inference, 242
sketch maps, 383
sketch understanding, 383
Skolem function, 26
skolemization, 118
SKOS, 939
smodels, 699, 700
smoothness, 269
snap-scan, 582
snapshots, 582
SNARK, 59, 61, 65
social choice, 920
soft constraint propagation, 196
software agents, 887
software debugging, 456
software development, 59
software verification, 59, 60
sole mechanism assumption, 375
solid objects, 603
solution counting, see model counting
sort, 10
sorted logic, 700
soup bowl example, 760, 764
SP, see survey propagation
space, 700
Spass, 59, 63
Spatial Aggregation Language, 374
spatial analogies, 383
spatial change, 581
spatial data mining, 384
spatial modal logic, 574
spatial points, 554
spatial reasoning, 572
spatial regions, 554
spatial relations, 556
spatial semantic hierarchy, 583
spatial vagueness, 571
spatio-temporal representation, 582
specification language, 903
splitting in theorem proving, 36
SRI, 61
stable model semantics, 66
STAR algebra, 567
state-based diagnosis, 424
state constraint, 425, 689, see domain constraint
state constraints, 761, 802
state transitions, finding, 380
statics, 607, 609
statistical learning techniques, 73
statistical physics, 111, 112
status abstraction, 366
Stickel, 59
stimulus, 439
stochastic local search, see local search
stochastic sampling, 485
stochastic situation calculus, 871
story understanding, 701
strategic ability, 909
strategic structure of environment, 888
strategy, 913, 915
strategy scheduling, 20
strategy selection, 20
stratified logic programs, 293
streamlining, 121
STRIPS, 61, 876
strong cyclic planning, 847
strong equivalence, 299, 765
strong exception, 301
strong planning, 845
strong qualification, 740
structural approach, 161
structural induction, 57
structural subset, 899
structural subsumption algorithm, 138, 155, 161
structural superset, 899
structure, 9
structure relations, 568
structured inheritance networks, 138
subformula renaming, 700
subsets of resolution, 31
subsort, 11
substitutable term, 9
substitution, 9, 28
subsumption, 33, 137, 141
hierarchy, 137
in EL, 163, 165
in FL
, 162, 163
structural algorithm, 138, 155
subtheories, 65
subworld, 899
successor state axiom, 656, 663
successor states, 915
SUMO, 939
supernormal default, 250
supervaluation theory, 571
supplementary AGM postulates for contraction,
supplementary AGM postulates for revision,
survey propagation, 111
Swoop, 168
symmetry, 193
symmetry breaking, 104, 193